
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Abuse Victim : British Politician ‘Murdered’ Young Boy During Depraved Elite Party

An alleged victim of a high level sex ring claims that a Conservative MP killed a young boy during a depraved sex party that was attended by the rich and powerful of England in the 1980’s.

The site of the former Elm House Guest House in Barnes, where abuse is alleged to have taken place

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Voice Matcher

Project Name : Voice Matcher
Version : 1.0  beta
Developer: Dark Coder
Company: DarkWorks
License: Freeware
Description: Match voice against voices in database
Do not sell this App, if you paid for this take refund.

Download Link : Click To Download

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple iphone 6 plus new issue #Hairgate

Just as Apple’s embarrassing #bendgate issues were receding from the headlines, a newer – and more painful – problem has emerged regarding its new set of iPhone 6 smartphones: they’re pulling out people’s hair.
No, that’s not a bad metaphor for some frustrating or broken features. Multiple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users have complained online that their hair is getting caught in the shiny new devices when they make phone calls. When they end their calls and pull their phones away from their faces, their beard and head hairs are being pulled away with them.
Unsurprisingly, this problem and apparent design flaw is now being labeled #hairgate on Twitter and other social media networks.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Truth about Vaccination

In 1942 the medical community released antibiotics in 1943 there was an onset of the polio epidemic. They had to either restrict the antibiotics or develop a vaccine for Polio.

The people involved with the polio vaccine: Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the first injectable polio vaccine. Bernice Eddie, M.D., safety tester of the vaccine. Sarah Stewart, M.D., discovers a cancer-causing virus along with Bernice Eddie. Dr. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine.

In 1955 Jonas Salk's polio vaccine is released to the world an injected dose of inactivated polio virus. Dr. Salk's strain would be inactivated with formaldehyde and injected and children.

In 1955 at the 11th hour, Bernice Eddie, M.D., was a bacteriologist at NIH (National Institute of Health) and was told to safety test the new Salk polio vaccine. She discovered faulty batches of the vaccine. What she found was that the virus in the vaccine wasn't dead but still alive and able to breed. When she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed in their cages. She tried to delay the release of the vaccine.

A handful of prominent doctors stepped in to throw the weight of their reputations on the side of the vaccine. Dr. Alton Ochsner was a stockholder in one of the laboratories that produced the polio vaccine. He was so convinced that Salk's vaccine was safe that he decided to publicly inoculate his own grandchildren with the vaccine in front of the faculty of Tulane Medical School. Ochsner's grand son died of polio within 48 hours and his granddaughter was crippled with it.

Which was apparently hushed because the mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days children fell sick from polio, some crippled, and some died. It was the biggest fiasco and medical history. An enormous lawsuit erupted and the director of the National Institute of Health Dr. William Sebrell resigned and the secretary of health, education and welfare of Oveta Hobby stepped down.

Richard Nixon was given the task of rebuilding the National Institute of Health (NIH) after the disastrous introduction of Salk's polio vaccine.

In 1956 Bernie Eddy was taken off polio research and transferred to the influenza section. Here is where she meets bacteriologist, Sarah Stewart, M.D.

Stewart proved that some cancers are caused by viruses as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.

In 1957 they discovered the virus polyoma. Sarah Stewart and Bernice Eddy discovered this virus which caused multiple cancer tumors in a variety of small mammals. It was the first discovery of one virus which caused cancer in several different species.

They then took suspensions of the cellular material from these monkey kidney cell cultures and injected them into hamsters. Cancers grew in the hamsters.

The vaccine manufacturers had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys. And when they removed the polio virus, they removed an unknown number of monkey viruses. The more they looked, the more they found. Medical science knew little about the behavior or consequences of these monkeys viruses. This was the watershed event in cancer research, and it shifted the focus of cancer research to viruses.

1959 Bernie Eddy, confronted with the overwhelming evidence came to the conclusion; that they had just inoculated an entire generation with cancer-causing monkey viruses. She predicted a future epidemic of cancer.

The US government knew it had a problem. Soon the research identified an Asian monkey as the natural host of the cancer causing Polyoma virus, and gave the virus a less hysterical name: SV–40. It was named SV–40 because they had found 39 others viruses before discovering Polyoma.

In 1960 Laurella McCleveland, worked for vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman, found similar problems with the polio vaccine as did Bernise Eddie.

Dr. Benjamin Sweet and Maurice Hilleman, the Merck scientists who named the virus SV-40 published their findings:

The discovery of this new virus, the vacuolating agent, represents the detection for the first time of a hitherto "non-detectable"simian virus of monkey renal cultures and raises the important question of the existence of other such viruses… As shown in this report, all three types of Sabin's live poliovirus vaccine, now fed to millions of persons of all ages, or contaminated with SV-40.

"SV–40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine," John Martin, former FDA urologist.

"In the late 1950s, SV–40 was one of several dozen viruses that contaminated the original Salk and Sabin polio virus vaccine administered to children in the US and Europe." Journal of the national Cancer institute, 1997.

SV–40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors, including brain, bone and previously rare chest cancers.

USA today March 11, 2002 monkey virus link to lymphatic cancer. Traces of a monkey virus SV–40 contaminated polio vaccines given to millions of Americans between 1955 and 1963 have been found in 43% of tumors from patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the Lancet. Also linked to brain, bone and lung cancer.

This research was done at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. At Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, researchers achieved nearly identical results in a separate study.

October 1960, one month after Kennedy/Nixon presidential debate. Bernice Eddie gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society and, without warning the NIH in advance, announced that she had examined monkey kidney cells in which the polio virus had grown, and found they were infected with cancer-causing viruses, SV-40. There were cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine!

This was tantamount to forecasting an epidemic of cancer in America. No suggestion of cancer-causing monkey viruses in the polio vaccine was welcomed at NIH. When the cussing stopped, they crushed Bernice Eddie professionally. They took away her lab, destroyed her animals, put her under a gag order, and delayed publication of her scientific papers.

1961. Federal regulations went into effect in the US and similar regulations in other parts of the world, that required polio vaccines be free of SV-40. The new regulations in the US did not require: The SV-40 contaminated seeds used to make every "batch" or "lot" of vaccine be discarded. Or the recently manufactured contaminated vaccines be discarded. Contaminated vaccines with SV-40 were administered to children and adults until they were said to be used up sometime in 1963.

In 1962 Sabin oral polio vaccine was introduced. This vaccine was an attenuated live weakened polio virus. From the same monkey grown cells.

From 1955 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to approximately 200,000,000 Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine. It is estimated that one out of every 200 people will have cancer caused by SV–40. There are now 15 cases of cancer for every one case of polio it prevented.

The six cancers: lung, breast, prostate, lymphoma, brain, and melanoma. The rest of the cancers did not increase significantly. These four soft tissue cancers averaged over a 50% increase over the 16 year period. Skin 70% lymphoma 60% prostate 60% and breast 34%.

There was a sudden increase in breast cancer in 1985. Cases went 130,000 per year in 1978 to over 180,000 per year in 1987. Remember: 10-year-old girls in 1955 receiving the polio vaccine became 40 years old in 1985 the age where breast-cancer start showing up in significant numbers.

To quote the polio vaccine Albert Sabin: "I think to release certain information is not a public service. There's too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh, your children were injected with a cancer virus and all that. That's not very good!"

Americans are getting cancer faster than ever! 1994 JAMA article published in the USA today: "Baby boomers are much more likely to get cancer then their grandparents were at the same age."

Men born between 1948 and 1957 have three times as much cancer not related to smoking as their parents. Why?… USA today: "The studies researchers insist the increase cannot be fully explained by smoking, better diagnosis, or an aging population." In the words of US public health official, Devra Lee Davis; "There's something else going on here."

SV-40 found in seminal fluid and blood samples. Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors.

That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.

S I V: the simian immunodeficiency virus the ancestor virus to aids also in the polio vaccines. S I V is considerably smaller than SV-40. The technology of the 1950s wasn't able to filter SIV from the viral extracts. The researchers did not consider these viruses dangerous and basically ignored them.

Gallo's group at the NCI and within Bionetics also experimented with other simian and human cancer viruses and developed recombinations i.e. mutants of these with other viral nucleic acids including those that caused the prominent features of AIDS– WBC dysfunction, leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas, progressive wasting, and ultimate death in cats, mice, chickens, and humans. All this in the likely presence of other easily mutated retrovirus contaminants.

Finally, these and other NCI investigators injected such mutant viruses into human WBC and fetal tissue cultures to enable them to infect humans and even transmit the same diseases.

In 1971 Pres. Nixon declares a war on cancer. Know America would soon see an epidemic.

In 1960: the team is established. Dr. Alton Ochsner, overseer of the project. Sarah Stewart, head researcher at NCI and scientific director was suddenly transferred to the US Public Health Service in New Orleans Louisiana. Mary Sherman operational director of the project; ran the Big Lab and was a radiation specialist.

From 1960 to 1964 the Big Laboratory ran by Dr. Mary Sherman. Look aided in the infectious disease laboratory of the US Public Health Service hospital and was operated by the US military, on by the federal government. It was a full-blown US government laboratory financed with millions of dollars from the Public Treasury. Here is where the 5,000,000 volt linear particle accelerator was placed. One of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA has admitted to setting up.

Dr. Alton Ochsner. 1927 he was appointed head of surgery at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans. In 1936 he became one of the first to conclude cigarette smoking was a cause of lung cancer. In 1942 he opens Ochsner's Clinic and Foundation Hospital in New Orleans. In 1949 he became president of the American Cancer Society.

In 1959 Alton Ochsner anti-Communist. FBI cleared him for a "sensitive position" for the US government. The FBI maintained a file on Dr. Alton Ochsner which we now have access to through the Freedom of Information Act. It shows his long relationship with the US military, the FBI and other US government agencies.

1960 Sarah Stewart: scientific director. The most famous cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health Sarah Stewart left the NIH and transferred to the US public health service in New Orleans… Believing an anti-cancer vaccine was possible.

Dr. Mary Sherman: operational director. Dr. Mary Sherman, M.D., was an expert in the medical uses of radiation. In 1952, she became a professor at Trulaine Medical School and worked for Alton Ochsner, M.D. at Ochsner's Clinic where she ran the bone cancer lab.

If a vaccine were to be developed to prevent an epidemic of soft tissue cancers in America, the research would have to be calling done quickly, quietly, and privately. And done by a competent professional, by someone with resources and reason, someone willing to take a risk. Perhaps then, a vaccine might arrive in time to prevent a horrible and unprecedented wave of cancer among the American people. If they succeeded, they would be; national heroes, welcomed by a grateful public, praised by the press, and rewarded financially and socially. If they didn't succeed, no participants would have to publicly stick their necks out.

How does one develop a vaccine? You can kill it or weaken it. The larger the virus, the easier it is to kill. They can be poisoned with chemicals like formaldehyde. The common flu vaccine is a virus grown on the yolks of chicken eggs and then poisoned with formaldehyde.

Killing smaller viruses, like SV-40, is best done with radiation(so they believe). The list of techniques included radio isotopes cobalt – 60, iridium – 192, and yttrium– 90, high-powered x-ray machines and a linear particle accelerators. (Royal R. Rife had a much better method for killing any and all virus. We will save this for a later post.)

The linear particle accelerator is installed, Richard Nixon instructed the CIA to take millions of dollars from their laundered bank accounts to pay for the linear particle accelerator. The monkey viruses were radiated by a linear particle accelerator to alter the genetic composition of the virus. The monkey viruses would then be injected into mice to study the developing tumors.

Smallest viruses like HIV are so small that they are even hard to kill with ionizing radiation. What happens when you don't kill it? After mangling and scrambling the sequence, you now have a mutant, if it is still capable of breeding, a new virus. One that behaves differently than the one mangled. It may be less or more virulent.

In 1959 one of the major news events was Castro's revolution in Cuba. It threatened to spread to all Latin America and to displace the near free labor economic system which American businesses had profited upon for decades. Trade was New Orleans biggest business, and 75% of it was with Latin America. The entire New Orleans business community was threatened by this revolutionary trend.

The Cuban missile crisis the Soviet Union was using Cuba as a base for their missiles from which they would be able to launch a nuclear attack almost anywhere in the southeastern part of the United States, especially New Orleans.

The dark side. As if that wasn't dark enough...

1963: Bio-weapon team. Mary Sherman operational director of the project ran the "Big Lab." Judyth Vary Baker, developed the bio-weapon. Lee Harvey Oswald, Judith's bodyguard, lover, and runner of the product. His job was to transport the product into Cuba. David Ferrie, participant: Ran the "Little lab". Others involved: Carlos Marcello, "Godfather" of the New Orleans mafia. Jack Ruby worked for Carlos Marcella. Guy Bannister, ex FBI; assistant superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department. Tried to block Marcellos deportation. President of United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy, tackling organized crime in New Orleans, deported Marcello to Guatemala, also was "soft" on Cuba.

From 1962-1963 the little laboratory.

Judyth Vary Baker: Judyth was a star science student and a Florida high school who wanted to find a cure for cancer because her grandmother had just passed away from it. She was able to give mice long cancer in seven days, faster than anyone in history. She radiated them then exposed them to cigarette smoke to weaken their immune system.

March 1961. Harold Urey (directed studies of the Manhattan Project) and Dr. Ochsner went down to visit Judyth in Florida to take a look at her lab. Ochsner promised Judyth early admission to Tulane Medical School in return for her service at Dr. Mary Sherman's cancer lab at Ochsner's clinic. Ochsner also provided her with cancer research papers on the state-of-the-art techniques such as cancer-causing viruses.

1961 to 1963 Dr. Ochsner sends Judyth to attend a cancer research training program at Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York. Here she was properly trained how to handle cancer viruses.

May 1963, shortly after moving to New Orleans, 19-year-old Judyth met Lee Harvey Oswald at the post office and what she thought was a chance meeting. Lee was already working with David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman and Dr. Alton Ochsner on the bio-weapon at the time.

Oswald set up a meeting for Judyth with Dr. Mary Sherman and David Ferrie. They discussed the nature of their project and deemed the idea of using cancer-causing viruses to kill Castro as ethical since it may prevent World War III.

David Ferrie, was a pilot for the CIA and flew in and out of Cuba. He was a strong anti-Castro supporter. He was also angry at JFK for failing to help the Cuban exiles restore liberty to their land. By injecting Castro with cancer, the US government would avoid the usual suspicion that a violent assassination would generate.

Lee Harvey Oswald: Judith begins a romantic relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald. They worked side-by-side and an underground medical laboratory known as the "Small Lab" located in David Ferries apartment on Louisiana Ave. Parkway in New Orleans, and she was at the lab tech that handled the cancer-causing monkey viruses.

Oswald's role in the kill Castro portion of the project was to transport the bio weapon into Cuba. The radio debates on the film clips of Oswald's leafleting were arranged by Ochsner at Oswald's request to make Oswald appeared to be an authentic defector so he could get into Cuba more easily.

Summer 1963. Judyth's assignment isn't to work on a vaccine, but to help create a virus capable of causing galloping cancer. Her job consist of harvesting 50 or more mice every week that have been injected with SP 40 viruses mutated by exposure to radiation.

She then grinds up the most aggressive tumors, suspends them in calf serum medium and centrifuges them to extract the viruses. She then transports them to Dr. Sherman's lab (the Big Lab) to be re-exposed to high intensity radiation. Oswald acted as a go-between for the covert program participants, among other assigned clandestine activities.

Judyth and Oswald were assigned cover jobs at the Riley Coffee Company. Her real work was in Ferrie's apartment, portions of which have been converted into a laboratory. Baker worked with 50-60 mice at a time, which had developed tumors due to cancer injections.

"I convinced the Dr. Ochsner and others that the real thing we needed to do was pull down Castro's immune system by using several ploys, and then when the cancer's introduced into his body, it would be found in his blood system and they'd put him in front of the x-ray again and again and again. Supposedly he be getting treatments to kill the cancer when actually his immune system was getting destroyed. That could be done, in other words, Castro could be eliminated by using x-ray and they'll think that it's the side effect from lung cancer. And that was my idea." -Judyth Vary Baker.

After successfully killing numerous monkeys with the biological weapon, the group tested it on a human subject in a mental institution, killing the human. The man died after 28 days.

This US secret cancer team went to Jackson mental hospital with these prisoners that were going to be injected… And at the time those prisoners received the injections and x-ray, injections and x-ray, that they hoped would actually kill these people.

July 21, 1964. Dr. Sherman was found brutally murdered and her burn department. Her body was found with unspeakable wounds: on the right side of her body, flesh and bone had evaporated so that her right rib cage and all of her right arm had disintegrated. She had been stabbed multiple times; including genital mutilation this was set up as a lesbian sex crime. The massive conflagration necessary to cause her bones to evaporate would have converted the entire apartment complex to ashes yet the curtains hadn't even caught fire. The Warren commission started taking testimonies in New Orleans on the morning of July 21, 1964, several hours after Mary's murder. The crime was never solved.

It would have been difficult to investigate and persecute Lee Oswald in court without exposing the laboratory, it's sponsors, the cancer-causing viruses that contaminated the polio vaccines, and all the medical and ethical questions arising from the radiation of the dangerous monkey viruses. Oswald's trial would have exposed the anti-Communists he was connected to Dr. Ochsner, Riley, Bannister, Carlos Marcello and perhaps even the FBI and CIA. If Oswald went to trial, all the sponsors of the lab would have been exposed.

Jack Ruby kills Oswalt November 24, 1963. Jack Ruby died from the effects of galloping one cancer before his second trial could be again. He claimed that he had been injected with cancer and was put through a 45 minute x-ray session because he thought he had pneumonia.

Well it's time to wrap up this little tale. As it turns out many viruses of been created from SV-40 and today they are at epidemic proportion because they are sexually transmissible, transmissible through blood transfusion, they are too small to stop through contraception, and most of us are infected.

Recently a polio vaccine was used in India and several thousands of children inoculated, died or became paralyzed as a consequence. This was due to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The cripple children's condition was called a polio like condition.

Vaccinations are not immunizations. The American medical Association's website recommends mandatory vaccine experiments.

February 21, 2012 a paper published by the American Medical Association's virtual mentor is concerned that current enrollment in vaccine trials is extremely low. The proposed solution? Creating a federal law that would force each individual to make a mandated choice to participate in vaccine trials.

Such a law would give drug companies anymore or less guaranteed supply of human guinea pigs.

"… The lack of animal models that can readily predict vaccine efficiency means that development still unavoidably relies on testing of novel vaccines in healthy individuals…

In recent decades there has been a distressing decline in the numbers of healthy volunteers who participate in clinical trials, a decline that has the potential to become a key rate limiting factor and vaccine development.…

The modest financial renumeration commonly provided often means that students and the unemployed make up the bulk of volunteers."

Source: Dr. Tent's lecture, The Exploding autoimmune disease epidemic. His sources Dr. Mary's Monkey: Haslam.

Friday, September 26, 2014


In a surprise move Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has released a new album, not through the regular channels, but via BitTorrent. Yorke is not sharing his work for free though, instead he's selling the album via a new paywalled torrent format which can't be shared with non-paying fans.
Radiohead’s Tom Yorke has been very critical of new music services such as Spotify. Last year he pulled his music from the popular streaming service claiming that “new artists get paid fuck all.”
Yorke would like to see more money flowing to the artists and in an effort to accomplish this goal he has teamed up with BitTorrent Inc.
The San-Francisco company has experimented with artist bundles for a while and together with Yorke they have now launched their first paywalled torrent. After paying $6, fans can download Yorke’s “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes” album via a protected torrent file.
“It’s an experiment to see if the mechanics of the system are something that the general public can get its head around,” Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich write in a joint statement.
“If it works well it could be an effective way of handing some control of internet commerce back to people who are creating the work. Enabling those people who make either music, video or any other kind of digital content to sell it themselves. Bypassing the self elected gate-keepers,” they add.
In recent years BitTorrent Inc. has been working very hard to show that its technology can be used for more than “piracy” and today’s bundle is a prime example. After releasing various free samples from other artists, Yorke’s full album is definitely a breakthrough.
The paywall and other restrictions are not something traditional BitTorrent users are used to, but it’s a necessary “evil” to draw mainstream artists to the model.
BitTorrent Inc. emphasizes that the album itself is DRM-free but that the torrents do have copy protection. This means that people can’t easily share them with others who haven’t paid.
“BitTorrent Bundles features protected torrents, limiting the number of times a torrent can be downloaded. While Bundle content is DRM-free, torrents are protected with this new way of managing how often a Bundle is downloaded,” BitTorrent Inc. notes.
This works very much like private trackers, where only members can share files with each other. With the “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes” torrent those who pay are a “member” and only they can share the file.
It will be interesting to see if other artists are also willing to join the experiment. A full album for $6 definitely sounds like a fair price and the artists get to keep most of the cash. BitTorrent Inc. says it currently gets 10% of the revenue for enabling the distribution.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, several unauthorized torrents without a paywall are also doing the rounds on various torrent sites. The good news is, however, that the paywalled version currently has more people sharing than the pirated one.


After Rupert Murdoch's News Corp branded Google a "platform for piracy" last week, Google has today returned fire. The search giant says that after removing 222 million pages from search results and investing tens of millions in technology, almost no other company has done more to tackle online piracy.
n an open letter to the European competition commissioner earlier this month, News Corp CEO Robert Thomson was highly critical of Google.

Thompson began by speaking warmly of Google’s roots as a “wonderfully feisty” Silicon Valley startup, but that developed into warnings over its immense power today as an “often unaccountable bureaucracy”. And, as is so often the case with Google’s rivals, matters soon turned to Google’s attitudes towards online piracy.

“The shining vision of Google’s founders has been replaced by a cynical management, which offers advertisers impressively precise data about users and content usage, but has been a platform for piracy and the spread of malicious networks, all while driving more traffic and online advertising dollars to Google,” Thompson said.

The News Corp statement was never likely to go unanswered and today Google officially returned fire.

“Google has done more than almost any other company to help tackle online piracy,” said Rachel Whetstone, Google’s senior vice president of global communications.

“In 2013 we removed 222 million web pages from Google Search due to copyright infringement. The average take-down time is now just six hours,” she added.

The SVP also underlined Google’s earlier assertions that sites found to repeatedly violate copyright get downgraded in search rankings. It’s something the movie studios and record labels have being demanding for some time but although Google insists it delivers, few content creators appear pleased with the results.

On YouTube, however, things play out somewhat differently. Whetstone reminded News Corp that Google has spent tens of millions of dollars developing technology such as its ContentID, a system that not only combats piracy but enables creators to monetize their content.

And hitting back at the accusation that Google has been a platform for the spread of malicious networks, Whetstone said the company is committed to protecting its users’ security.

“It’s why we remove malware from our search results and other products, and protect more than 1 billion users every day from phishing and malware with our Safe Browsing warnings,” she said.

In response to News Corp accusations that Google undermines the business models of high quality content creators with “egregious aggregation”, Whetstone said that the days of news being controlled by a small number of media organizations were over.

“Today, people have far greater choice. That has had a profound impact on newspapers, who face much stiffer competition for people’s attention and for advertising Euros,” the SVP said.

“Google has worked hard to help publishers succeed online — both in terms of generating new audiences and also increasing their digital revenues. Our search products drive over 10 billion clicks a month to 60,000 publishers’ websites, and we share billions of dollars annually with advertising publishing partners.”

Finally, in a moment of comedy but with a serious point, Whetston held up a mirror to News Corp in response to its argument that Google’s actions could lead to “a less informed, more vexatious level of dialogue in our society” and only add to “the intemperate trends we are already seeing in much of Europe.”

By linking to an image of a front page published by Murdoch’s ‘The Sun’ tabloid, Google makes clear that if you’re going to criticize others, getting your own house in order should always come first.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Satanic Temple to distribute materials to school children in Florida

The Satanic Temple has announced that it will provide pamphlets on Satanism to students in Florida, following the school board’s decision permitting the distribution of religious materials.
Among the materials that are set to be distributed are pamphlets on the philosophy, practice of Satanism, the Satanic Temple’s tenets. Also, the sect tells school children about their legal rights to choose to practice Satanism, according to the official press release.
Earlier this month, the school system made a decision to let any religious and atheist materials be provided in schools.
The Temple said that although it does not agree with the school board’s decision to allow religious materials in schools, it will continue “to ensure that pluralism is respected whenever the Church/State division is breached.”
Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves explains: “We think the responsible thing to do is to ensure that these students are given access to a variety of differing religious opinions, as opposed to standing idly by while one religious voice dominates the discourse and delivers propaganda to youth.”
“I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and its Bible, and this might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism. We think many students will be very curious to see what we offer,” Greaves added.
The Satanic Temple came into the media spotlight after announcing it is going to erect a seven-foot Baphomet statue next to a Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol. It also unveiled plans to build a chapel in Detroit.

Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadri-Padri Funny Pics

I wonder why his mouth is always open !!! 

Saying Goodbye To Windows 8 and Welcome to Windows 9

Windows 9 Leaked

Now we are able to understand what’s next in Windows, after the most recent leaks involving the Charms Bar and introduced will be scaled back in next Windows build by Microsoft.
Windows 9, aka Threshold is not too far away from now, first build is expected for release in the first half of 2015.
If Windows 8 was a dramatic lurch towards mobile computing specially on the tablets, Windows 9 appears to be the heading for a more equitable balance between desktop muscle and the mobile capability, which fits into larger picture of the Computer Environment, where the PCs are stabilizing after a difficult period the tablet growth is cooling.
Microsoft needs to be ensure about desktop-facing operating system which manager to support the demand of desktop-focused PCs that is still large. We really didn’t meant that the Microsoft’s ‘One Windows’ strategy can abandon the tablets, but it mean that their it need more focus.
Windows 8.1, was a part of Microsoft’s work to make Windows 8 more better desktop operating system. A partially-numbered Windows update can only be so radical — Windows 9 has more latitude to enact change.
Ideas such as removing the Charms Bar, bringing back of the Start Menu and addition of multiple desktops are picking positive responses from community.
“So back to the desktop? Not entirely. Microsoft isn't backing down from the Windows Store. It isn't abandoning the Start Screen. Live Tiles do not appear to be going anywhere, on Windows or Windows Phone. Instead the company seems to be at once focusing on providing a Windows 7-quality desktop experience in Windows, while also tying that desktop life to its new mobile-friendly interface, and apps. ”
That’s why it’s widely expected that Metro apps will be able to run in a windowed-fashion on the desktop in Windows 9, better bringing the Windows Store into the most popular side of Windows. Microsoft did in fact promise this in the future.
Windows 7 managed to get past Vista’s reputation. Perhaps Windows 9 can repeat the feat.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Iraq's Yazidi Kurds at Their Holiest Site, Lalesh Temple

A group of between 10,000 and 50,000 Yazidi Kurds are trapped on Mount Sinjar in northwestern Iraq without food or water. The Yazidis are an ancient community, concentrated in northwestern Iraq but also found in Iran, Syria and Turkey.

Girls and boys from a Yazidi religious school sing hymns and prayers at Lalesh temple

Who are the Secretive Yazidi Kurds and Why do Islamic Militants Want to Kill Them?

Displaced families from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing the violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjarl west of Mosul, arrive at Dohuk province.

North Korea: Kim Jong-un, What is he Really Thinking?

Every few days, the North Korean news agency releases pictures of Kim Jong-un looking at everyday things, like shoes or a wall. Uniformed men with notepads are always on hand to record his thoughts. We wondered what those thoughts might be...

"You have got to be kidding me. I saw chalk dust."

illuminati puppets : Angelina Jolie's Father Jon Voight At War with Penelope Cruz over Gaza

Jon Voight poses with daughter Angelina Jolie.REUTERS/Steve Marcus
Hollywood legend Jon Voight has launched a scathing attack against Penelope Cruz for helping "incite anti-Semitism" by condemning Israel's part in the Gaza conflict.
The 75-year-old star, who is the father of Angelina Jolie, said he was angry that celebrities like Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem did not understand the damage they were doing by taking an anti-Israel stance.
He expressed his outrage after Cruz slammed Israel's actions in Gaza and called on the EU to help Palestine.
"Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity, free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing," the Spanish actress said in a letter urging the condemnation of bombing by land, sea and air against Palestinian civilians.
Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem.Twitter
But in an open letter to Hollywood Reporter, Voight branded Cruz and other stars that signed the letter "ignorant".
"My name is Jon Voight and I am more than angry, I am heartsick that people like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem could incite anti-Semitism all over the world and are oblivious to the damage they have caused," he wrote.
"After years of trying to make peace, the wars they had to fight, being attacked by their enemies, and still being attacked, and finally after years of running into bomb shelters and having hundreds of civilians killed by suicide bombers, civilians being killed in their sleep, stabbed to pieces, finding enough is enough and finally retaliating, instead of my peers sticking up for the only democratic country in that region, they go and take out poison letters against them.
"You should hang your heads in shame. You should all come forth with deep regrets for what you did, and ask forgiveness from the suffering people in Israel," he added.
Cruz and Voight are not the first stars to wade in on the Middle East conflict.
One Direction star Zayn Malik was bombarded with death threats when he tweeted '#FreePalestine', Rihanna also tweeted '#FreePalestine' before later deleting the post, and supermodel Bar Refaeli posted messages on both Twitter and Facebook in support of Israel.
Jolie, who is a UN Special Envoy for refugees, has not commented on the conflict.

Hollywood Studios Blacklist Penelope Cruz over Gaza Letter Accusing Israel of 'Genocide'

Penelope Cruz has enraged Hollywood by her open letter condemning Israel's actions in Gaza.(Adrian Sanchez/Getty)

Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem Denounce Israeli 'Genocide' in Open Letter

UPDATED: Pedro Almodovar and other Spanish industry representatives join them in urging the European Union to condemn the bombing of Palestinian civilians.
MADRID – Dozens of Spanish film stars, directors, musicians and writers, led by Oscar winnersPenelope CruzJavier Bardem and Pedro Almodovar, have denounced Israel's incursion into Gaza.
In an open letter referenced by Europa Press and other Spanish media, they described Israel's actions as "genocide."
They also called on the European Union to "condemn the bombing by land, sea and air against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip."
In the open letter, they demanded a cease-fire by the Israeli military and urged Israel to "lift the blockade, which the Gaza Strip has suffered for more than a decade."
The letter also said: "Gaza is living through horror these days, besieged and attacked by land, sea and air. Palestinians' homes are being destroyed, they are being denied water, electricity [and] free movement to their hospitals, schools and fields while the international community does nothing."
Others who signed the letter include directors Montxo Armendariz and Benito Zambrano; actorsLola HerreraEduardo Noriega and Rosa Maria Sarda; and musicians Amaral and Nacho Campillo.
The entertainers blamed the new round of violence in the Middle East on the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, which, the letter said, "continues to advance into and invade the Palestinian territories instead of returning to the 1967 borders."

Almost 1,100 Palestinians and 56 Israelis have died since the Israeli military began its bombardments of Gaza three weeks ago, according to the latest reports.

Bardem, who won the Oscar for supporting actor in 2008 for his role in No Country for Old Men, is a known political activist who frequently expounds on controversial issues.
Cruz won an Oscar in the best supporting actress category in Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelonain 2009.
The two are married and are good friends with Almodovar, who has won two Oscars: one for best foreign language film for All About My Mother (2000) and one for best original screenplay for Talk to Her (2002).
THR has reached out to reps for Bardem, Cruz and Almodovar and will update with any additional comment.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

FBR sends income tax notice worth Rs350million to Tahirul Qadri

LAHORE: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Wednesday sent an income tax notice worth 350 million rupees to Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri and his institution Minhajul Quran International stating that failure to comply would lead to freezing of bank accounts of the organisation, DawnNews reported.
The FBR in its investigations had ascertained that Qadri and Minhajul Quran held at least eight bank accounts which had some 770 million rupees flowing in from different sources.
Earlier, Qadri and Minhajul Quran had been sent three notices in this regard but neither the PAT chief nor his institution responded to these.
The FBR has again issued a notice to Qadri and Minhajul Quran, saying they have to pay 350 million rupees worth of income tax under the income tax ordinance.
The FBR also said that in case the tax is not paid, the recovery would be carried out through deductions from Qadri’s accounts.
Earlier, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) had asked the FBR to provide details about Qadri and his party’s tax returns.
The FIA had also determined that Qadri had purchased a bullet-proof car from the charity funds of Mihajul Quran.

Source :: Dawn News

The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

1. When was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 He was born on Monday, 12th Rabi Al Awwal, April 22nd, 571 AC.

2. Where was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
 In Makkah 

3. What is the name of the Prophet's father?
 Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib. 

4. What is the name of the Prophet's mother?
 Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah. 

5. When and where did his (prophet's) father die?
 He died in Madina before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.

6. What is the name of the Prophet's grandfather?
 Abdul Muttalib. 

7. What was his granfather's position?
 He was the chief of his clan Bani Hashim. 

8. What is the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor?
 He is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab. 

9. Who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 First Thuyeba, the freed slave girl of his uncle Abdul Uzza known as Abu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best known as Haleema Al Sadiyah. 

10. Who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 Abdul Muttalib. 

11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him?

12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) choose this name?
 Because she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad. 

13. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died?
 Six years old. 

14. Where did his mother take him?
 She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit her relatives. 

15. Where did his mother die?
 On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.

16. Who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah?
 His father’s slave girl, Umm Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).

17. Who took the charge of his care?
 His grandfather Abdul Muttalib.

18. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad?
 For two years. 

19. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons. 

20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson?
 That he would hold a prestigious position.

21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) after the death of Abdul Muttalib?
 His uncle Abu Talib.

22. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died?
 About eight years old.

23. When did Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) travel to Syria and with whom?
 He went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib when he was twelve years old.

24. Who was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her)?
 She was a wealthy merchant of Makkah.

25. Why did she (Khadijah) want to marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 Because of his truthfulness and good conduct. 

26. When did she (Khadijah) marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 When she was 40 years old. 

27. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) at the time of the marriage?
 He was 25.

28. What did he (the Prophet) give her (Khadijah) as Mahr (dowry)?
 Twenty camels. 

29. Was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) a widow?
 Yes. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was her third husband.

30. How was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) known in the society?
 He was known as Al Ameen (trustworthy) and Al Sadiq (truthful).

31. Did he get any sort of education?
 No, he didnt get any formal education from the society, rather he was taught by Almighty Allah.

32. What should one say when the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) name is mentioned?
 One should say ??? ???? ???? ???? (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). 

33. How many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the Holy Quran?
 Four times.

34. What are the names of the Prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) uncles?
 They are: Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with him), Abu Lahab, Ghidaq, Maqwam, Safar and Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him). 

35. In the New Testament by what name was the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) mentioned?
 By the name of Paraclete. 

36. What is Kabah?
 It is the oldest house of worship on the earth.

37. Who built it?
 The Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael (May Allah be pleased with them).

38. How did Quraish arrange rebuilding of Kabah?
 They divided the work among various tribes. Each tribe was responsible for rebuilding a part of it. 

39. Who laid the stones?
 A Byzantine mason called Baqum.

40. Where did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) go into seclusion?
 To the Cave of Hira.

41. What was the fist stage of the revelation?
 True dreams.

42. When did the first revelation come down to him?
 On Monday, 21st of Ramadan, at night (August 10th, 610 AC). He was forty years then.

43. Who brought it?

44. Who were the first to embrace Islam?
 Four persons: Khadijah his wife, Zaid Ibn Haritha his freed slave, Ali Ibn Abi Talib his cousin and Abu Bakr his friend (May Allah be pleased with them). 

45. Who accepted Islam at the instance of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 Uthman Ibn Affan, Zubair Ibn Awwam, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Sad Ibn Abi Waqqaas, Talha Ibn Ubaidullah and Saeed Ibn Zaid (Umar’s son-in-law) (May Allah be pleased with them). 

46. Who were the ladies to accept Islam at first?
 Abbas’s wife Ummaul Fadl, Abu Bakr’s wife Asma Bint Umais, his daughter Asma Bint Abi Bakr and Fatimah Bint Al Khattab Umar’s sister (May Allah be pleased with them). 

47. How was the Dawah done in the beginning?
 It was done in secret. 

48. How many people embraced Islam in the early stage?
 About forty. 

49. How many years did the call in secret continue?
 For three years.

50. During this period, where would the Muslims gather secretly?
 They would gather secretly in the house of a Muslim called Arqam to learn about Islam and the revelations sent down to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.). 

51. When did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) start to preach Islam openly?
 After three years when he received the revelation to that effect. 

52. What was the impact of his public preaching?
 The people accepted Islam increasingly.

53. What was the main miracle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
 The Holy Quran.

54. Did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) perform other miracles?
 Yes, the splitting of the moon was one of them. 

55. Who was Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib?
 One of the Prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) uncles. 

56. Name some of the disbelievers of Makkah who supported the Prophet (p.b.u.h.), but did not embrace Islam until the end.
 Abu Talib, Mutim Ibn Adi and Abul Bukhtari. 

57. How long did Abu Talib protect the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
 For 42 years – from the Prophet’s childhood until he himself died. 

58. Who was Mutim Ibn Adi?
 A chief of Makkah. 

59. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) give protection to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
 When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) returned from Taif and wanted to enter Makkah. 

60. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) die?
 He was killed in the Battle of Badr. 
61. Who was Abul Bukhtari?
 He was a poet. 

62. How did he (Abul Bukhtari) support the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
 He spoke out against the social boycott. 

63. What lead the Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia?
 Their growing persecution at the hands of Quraish. 

64. Which Surah lead to this emigration?
 Surah Az Zumar. 

65. When was Abul Bukhtari killed?
 In the battle of Badr. 

66. Who was then the King of Abyssinia?
 The King of Abyssinia, known as Najjashi (the Negus), during the time of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was As'hama. 

67. When did the first group of Muslims leave for Abyssinia?
 In Rajab, in the fifth year of Prophethood. 

68. How many persons were there in the group?
 12 men and 4 women.

69. How were the emigrants received in Abyssinia?
 They were received warmly and hospitably. 

70. When did the second group of emigrants leave for Abyssinia?
 In the fifth year of Prophethood.

71. How many people formed the group?
 83 men and 18 women. 

72. Name a prominent companion included in this group.
 Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him). 

73. What did Quraish do?
 They despatched two envoys to Abyssinia to demand the extradition of the emigrants.

74. How did the King respond?
 He refused to extradite the Muslims and assured them of his full protection. 

75. When did Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam?
 At the age of 27. 

76. Who was Bilal Ibn Rabah (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was a slave of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf.

77. What was his (Bilal Ibn Rabah's) origin?
 He was of Abyssinian decent. 

78. What was the name of Bilal's mother?

79. Who was Yaser (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was a slave of Abu Jahl.

80. Who was Sumayyah (May Allah be pleased with her)?
 She was Yaser's (a slave of Abu Jahl) wife.

81. Who was Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was Yaser and Sumayyah's only son. 

82. How did Summaya (May Allah be pleased) die?
 Abu Jahl murderded her with a bayonet. 

83. Who was Zaid Ibn Haritha (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was a slave. 

84. Who purchased him (Zaid Ibn Haritha)?
 Khadijah's nephew Hakim Ibn Hizam purchased him and presented him to her.

85. What did Khadijah do with Zaid Bin Haritha?
 She presented him to the Prophet who set him free. 

86. Did Zaid Bin Haritha want to go to his parents?
 No, he preferred to live with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.). 

87. To whom was Zaid Bin Haritha married?
 To Umma Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her). 

88. Who was Ja'far?
 He was the elder brother of Ali Ibn Talib (May Allah be pleased with him). 

89. Where did he (Ja'far) emigrate?
 To Abyssinia. 

90. Who was Ali (May Allah be pleased with him)?
 He was the son of Abu Talib and cousin of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.). 

91. When did Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam?
 When he was 10.

92. What was he (Ali) called for his bravery?
 The "Lion of Allah". 

93. Whom did Ali first marry?
 He first married the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) daughter Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her). 

94. How many sons did Ali have from her?
 Two sons: Hasan and Husain (May Allah be pleased with them).

95. When did Sa'd bn Abi Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) become a Muslim?
 When he was 19. 

96. Where did Sa'd (May Allah be pleased with him) die?
 He died in Al Madinah.

97. What was Sa'd's advice to Muslims?
 To stand united. 

98. Who was Abu Bakr's father (May Allah be pleased with him) and did he accept Islam?
 He was Uthman (May Allah be pleased with him) (Abu Quhafah). Yes, he accepted Islam during the Conquest of Makkah.