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THE MYSTERIOUS TALE OF BIRTH OF KARIM AGA KHAN WITH COURTESY FROM SOLOMON ALI KHAN THE "HUSBAND" OF THE "MOTHER" OF KARIM AGA KHAN Prince Aly Khan & Joan Barbara Yarde Buller The name of the mother of present Aga Khan-IV is "Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller". She was the daughter of Lord Churston former ADC to the Viceroy of India while her mother had been one of the original Gaiety Girls. This English woman of England; the mother of Aga Khan-IV in fact was the wife of "Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness" an Officer in British Royal Merchant Navy linked with Air Force, an Anglo Irish brewing family belonged to Merchant Banking family and she herself was running the business of "Wine Breweries". At the time of marriage with Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness, who was also the Tory Member of the British Parliament for Bath, she was only 19 years of old. This mother of Karim Aga Khan was of highly loose character, men trapper, personally fond of drinking plenty of wine and getting involved in illicit sexual relations with several men to partly quench her unquenchable sexual lust. In the presence of her husband she had maintained sexual relations with several men at a time when Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness also the Tory member Parliament for Bath used to usually remain out of station abroad in tours being in British Royal Navy linked with Air Force and was not giving time to his wife in as much as in 1934 Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller passed the whole summer vacations lonely in absence of her husband Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. In January 1935, Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness went to Australia making prior arrangement for his wife Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller for passing summer holidays in Switzerland with friends. Upon return from Australia, Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness came to know that his wife Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller had fled to North America which was also later on stated by Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness in the court of Law at London. Lastly Mr. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness had met with his wife Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller at his mother-in-law's house in April 1935 where she had confessed having every type of relations with Aly Solomone Khan with whom she had made her firm determination to marry by seeking divorce from Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. At that time the system of seeking divorce was very typical, complicate and cumbersome in Britain and it was mandatory to first voluntarily prove adultery with other men before the Court which was an easy task for Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller to prove in as much as from 17th to 20th April 1935 she and Aly Solomone Khan had passed days in a Hotel at Paris and made merry with the view to practically prove in the Court of Law about the commission of adultery being the basic requirement of the court for granting the decree nisi of divorce. At last, the secret of this sexually corrupt woman gradually started transparently revealing upon her own husband that his wife is clandestinely and in connivance with her husband, having illicit sexual relations with many men in general and with Aly Solomone Khan the son of Aga Khan-III in particular. Therefore, on account of this daily routine quarrels that had erupted on this particular issue, the husband of this prostitute women, after having totally fed up, was constrained to file a criminal case No 936 in month of June 1935 in the Divorce Court of Law at London for seeking divorce from this loose characterized woman and simultaneously filing the claim of defamation/compensation and cost of damages from Aly Solomone Khan by producing valid and unassailable proofs before the said Court of Law. The allegation of illicit sexual relations with several men upon the mother of Karim Aga Khan was proved by the Court of Law when Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller did not defend herself in any manner in this behalf and her Affidavit sent from Paris by her Attorney, was read over in the Court and simultaneously also that she was having illicit sexual relation with Aly Solomone Khan the elder son of Aga Khan-III was duly proved. Therefore, the Judge of the Court Mr. Justice Bucknill did not hesitate in pronouncing the judgment in favour of Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley Guinness on 4th November 1935 which was made public on 18th November 1935, reading as under: -
JUDGEMENT OF LONDON DIVORCE COURT: "…Decree nisi" is being issued and pronounced on account of having illicit sexual relations with other men by the wife of Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley Guinness. Also "Decree" is simultaneously issued and pronounced against Aly Solomone Khan the son of Aga Khan-III for the compensation in terms of money for the reasons that this loose characterized woman, the wife of Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley Guinness, was having illicit sexual relation with Aly Solomone Khan………" Pronounced by the Judge Mr. Justice Bucknill. 4th November 1935
L O N D O N Page No. 1 5412 1 Court Fee Stamp IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE PROBATE DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY (DIVISION) (DIVORCE) G U I N N E E S T. L. E. B. -V- G U I N N E S S The Hon. J. - and - A L Y K H A N Prince ____________________________
1. That on the 4th day of July 1927 at the Parish Church at the Parish Church in the Parish of St. Margaret Westminister in the County of London your Petitioner was lawfully married to The Honourable Joan Barbara Guinness, then The Honourable Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller, Spinster (hereinafter called the Respondent).
2. That after the said Marriage your Petitioner lived and cohabited with the Respondent at 11 Carlton House Terrace, London, in the County of Middlesex and at the Heaton Priory, Bath in the County of Somerset and at divers other places.
3. That there is issue of the said marriage one child only namely Patrick Benjamin Guinness who was born on the 10th day of March 1931.
4. That the Respondent has frequently committed adultery with Prince Aly S. Khan.
5. That from the 17th day of April 1935 untills the 20th Page No. 3 day of April 1835 at the Hotel Ritz, Place Vendome, Paris, in the Republic of France the Respondent committed adultery with the said Prince Aly S. Khan.
6. That your Petitioner is at present living at 11 Carlton House Terrace, London, in the County of Middlesex, and is a Member of Parliament, and the Respondent is now living at 11 Malina Place London in the County of Middlesex and they are both domiciled in England.
7. That no previous proceedings with reference to the said marriage have been taken in this Division of this Honourable Court by or on behalf of either of the parties thereto.
YOUR PETITIONER therefore prays that Your Lordship will decree:-
1. That his marriage with the Respondent may be dissolved.
2. That he may have the custody of the child of the marriage.
3. That he may have such further and other relief as may be just. Sd/- T.L.E.B. Guinness IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE PROBATE DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION ( D I V O R C E ) TO THE HONOURABLE JOAN BARBARA GUINNESS of 11 Melina Place London in the County of Middlesex and PRINCE ALY S. KHAN of Ritz Hotel, London in the County of Middlesex. TAKE NOTICE that you are required, within eight Page No. 4 days after service hereof upon you, inclusive of the day of such service, to enter an appearance either in person or by your solicitor at the Divorce Registry of the High Court of Justice at Somerset House, Strand, in the County of London, should you think fit so to do, and thereafter to make answer to the charges in this Petition, and that, in default of your so doing, the Court will proceed to hear the said charges proved and pronounce Judgment, you absence notwithstanding. The Petition is filed and this notice to appear is issued by WITHERS & CO. of 4 Arundel Street, Stand, W.C.2. DATED at London the 9th day of May 1935 Sd/-
Registrar. NOTE : - Any person entering an appearance must at the same time furnish an address for service within three miles of the General Post Office, London. Page No. 5 Notice of Application to make Decree Nisi Absolute. In the High Court of Justice, PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION (DIVORCE.) SHAW & BLAKE LTD Law Stationers and Printers Bell Yard, Temple Bar, And 17, Barrey Street, LONDON, W.C.2 Guinness against Guinness & Aly Khan 5th day of May 1934 NOTICE is hereby given of Application on behalf of the Petitioner That the decree nisi for the dissolution of the Marriage of the Petitioner and Respondent pronounced in this cause on the 4th day of November 1935 be made absolute, the usual Affidavit in support of the Application having been filed on the 5th day of May 1936 Withers & Co, 4 Arundel Street, Strand W.C.2 London. ********************************
UPON HEARING THIS JUDGEMENT of the said Divorce Court of London, Aly Solomone Khan very happily made the payment of the claim of compensation/cost of damages to Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley Guinness and thereafter he intensively rejoiced that her husband divorced his lover. As a matter of fact Aly Solomone Khan had helped in obscurity both to the Court of Law as well as Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley. Guinness for the reasons that Aly Solomone Khan was determined and not at all prepared to leave his lover Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller at any cost. At the time of divorce to Mrs. Thomas Loel Evelyn Buckeley Guinness on 18th November 1935 from the London Divorce Court, Karim Aga Khan-IV was in the womb of his mother Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller and after the divorce, she very happily proceeded with her lover Aly Solomone Khan to his house. In the last days of very next month of December 1935 after the divorce on 18th November 1935, the birth of Karim Aga Khan took place on 13th December 1935.
3.http://www.vaxxine.com/mgdsite/history/1213.HTM regarding Data for December 13 presented by Greg Duncan.
THE MYSTERIOUS BIRTH OF KARIM AGA KHAN On 13th December 1935 after few weeks of divorce on 18th November 1935 is of course mysteriously anomalous and it is not discernible as to of whose Foetus Karim Aga Khan was composed of for the reasons that until November 1935 the mother of Karim Aga Khan was under the wedlock of Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. Therefore, it is transparently clear and unambiguously apparent that after remaining of Karim Aga Khan in the womb of his mother for approximately seven months, legally he would be recognized, termed and called as the son of Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness and not of Aly Solomone Khan. Even then it is still a mystery and not clear about the actual father of Karim Aga Khan so much so this woman called the mother of Karim Aga Khan had simultaneously developed illicit sexual relations with other many men too in general besides her husband Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness and at the same time with Aly Solomone Khan the son of Aga Khan-III in particular owing to which God knows better that from whose foetus Karim Aga Khan had been conceived in the womb of Mrs. Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. Anyway Karim Aga Khan would be termed as the son of Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. But since Karim Aga Khan was the suspicious child as such Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness had flatly refused to recognize and accept Karim Aga Khan as his own legitimate child. Thereafter, Aly Solomone Khan adopted this unknown illegitimately born Karim Aga Khan as his child under cover of intensive love with his lover Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller.
On 21st February 1936 both these lovers i.e. Aly Solomone Khan and Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller participated in the ceremony of Silver Jubilee at Nizam Hyderabad in India and thereafter on 18th May 1936 Aly Solomone Khan the son of Aga Khan-III solemnized marriage ceremony in Paris, France after the decree nisi had become absolute in six months from the date of pronouncing decree nisi by the court, with her lover Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller and at that time she had attained the age of 26 years after remaining for 7 years in the wedlock of Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness. The mother of Karim Aga Khan Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller had given her five months old child Karim Aga Khan to Aly Solomone Khan as dowry immediately after the marriage ceremony and then instantly went into the wedlock of her lover Aly Solomone Khan. The aforementioned facts are absolutely correct and perfectly right because these facts have been derived and retrieved from that book which has duly been published by Aly Solomone Khan himself with his own signatures due to which there remains no room of even the slightest ambiguity and suspicion about the unassailable authenticity of these very hard facts. Who knew at that time that this suspicious unknown illegitimately born child would become Aga Khan-IV in the future?
Anyway such incidences in such families do take place in the love of a woman. Sensing the gravity of the situation and in order to cunningly hide this top secret of illegitimate birth of Karim Aga Khan a History Book was published in the year 1960 by the Ismailia Association of India, which recorded Karim, son of Aly Solomone Khan was born in Paris. Biographer Willi Frischauer records, he was born in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ismailis all over the world celebrate their Imam Karim Al-Husseini's birthday on December 13. As a matter of fact the actual year of birth of Karim Aga Khan is 1935 and not 1936 as has been manipulated fraudulently by Ismailis with the consent of Aga Khan to change the year of birth from 1935 to 1936 keeping the month and date as same i.e. 13th December with the view and ulterior motive/malafide intentions to remain aloof and hidden from the unassailable evidence of actual year of birth that tantamount to his illegitimate birth and that too of unknown foetus. This is common practice in Aga Khan's family so much so in the past such incidences have duly taken place when Aga Khan-III had married various women for pleasure only through Muta'h form (Temporary marriage) and children were being born illegitimately: -
In 1908 Aga Khan-III carried out marriage for pleasure only through Muta'h form (Temporary Marriage) with Mlle. Teresa Ginetta Magliano one of the most promising young dancers of the Ballet Opera of Monte Carlo, A ballerina. She was then just nineteen. In the spring of that year she accompanied him to Egypt where they had performed Muta'h marriage (Temporary marriage).
This marriage was not in accordance with the Muslim Law of Marriage. During this marriage for pleasure, within three years two sons were illegitimately born i.e. first son who was named as Giussepe Mahdi Khan who died in February 1911 and the second son named Aly Solomone Khan was born on 13th June, 1911 at Turin, Italy as a result of which Ali Solomone Khan the so called father of Karim Aga Khan was also himself illegitimately born as is the position of his so called son Karim Aga Khan.
This fact is further clarified by the own words of Aga Khan-III which have appeared in his Memoirs published in 1954 at page No. 104 followed by his will at Page No.4 thereof, wherein Aga Khan-III has himself confirmed that he permanently married with Mlle. Teresa Ginetta Magliano through the permanent form of marriage in the year 1923 in Bombay-India whereas prior to 1923 the marriage was running under the guise of Muta'h (i.e. only for pleasure) during which pleasure period Aly Solomone Khan was born in the year 1911 i.e. 12 years earlier than the actual permanent form of marriage in accordance with Muslim Law. Hence by virtue of this reference it is established that the so-called father of Karim Aga Khan namely Aly Solomone Khan was himself too an illegitimately born person out of the marriage of pleasure and not through permanent form of Marriage in accordance with the Muslim Law.
This shameful and sordid scandal and story does not end here that Karim Aga Khan is an illegitimately born child of an unknown foetus but startlingly his father Aly Solomone Khan was also illegitimately born out of the foetus of either Aga Khan-III or someone else unknown. The birth of Aly Solomone Khan had taken place in Turin on June 13, 1911. On that day in all nineteen infants were born in Turin out of which eight were males and eleven females. There was no notice in the city's newspapers that one of them was the son of Sir Sultan Mohammad Shah Aga Khan-III. Four days later, as required by law, Dr. Pozzi arranged for an officer of the Turin city government to come to the house on Corso Oporto to prepare the birth certificate. The Aga Khan-III, who had not come to Turin for the birth, had authorized Dr. Pozzi to represent him in the registration process.
The unassailable proof of the birth certificate is still available on the record file of Turin town hall, which reads as under: - "In the year 1911, 17th of June, 5 P.M. before me, Piere Carossa, acting vice-secretary of the delegation (Dec. 31 1909), officer of the civil government of the city of Turin, has come Dr. Alfredo Possi, 39 years old, obstetrician, living in Turin, who declared that at 2 p.m. of the 13th of June, same year, in this house, 17 Corso Oporto, from the union of Teresa Magliano, UNMARRIED 22 years old, living on independent means, here in person, as a co-declarant with His Highness The Aga Khan, son of the late Aga Ali Shah (Aga Khan-II), 34 years old, born at Karachi (British India), living at Monte Carlo, was born a male baby who is not present and to whom are given the names of Aly Solomone.
To this are present as witness Francesca Crescio, 28, living on independent means, and Rosa Magliano, 39, living on independent means, both residents of Turin. The child has not been shown owing to hygienic reasons. It is therefore resolved that Aly Solomone Khan being the illegitimately born son of Aga Khan-III is from the womb of Unmarried Teresa Magliano who had illicit relations with Aga Khan-III without any marriage and during the rape, this son Aly Solomone Khan has taken birth. The marriage of Aga Khan-III, took place in Bombay with the mother of Aly Solomone Khan Teresa Magliano Ginneta when Aly Solomone Khan had become eleven years old, going on twelve.
The effect on him of this belated event can only be surmised. He never spoke of it as an adult. Nor did any other members of the family. For by then, Aga Khan-III's youthful romance had been sanctified by time - and rewritten by biographers. With prudent hindsight, the date of the wedding had been put back to 1908, three years before Aly Solomone Khan's birth, and the Aga Khan-III's "petite amie," as Ginetta is still remembered in Deauville, had been elevated, as of the year of her meeting with the Aga Khan-III, to the status of Begum, the title given his wife. Only in the course of a careful search of documents and ransacking of memories relating to Aly Solomone Khan's childhood, did it become evident that the official family version of these crucial early years fell somewhere on the far side of candor. There were Aly Solomone Khan's birth certificate which proclaimed his mother to be "nubile" - unmarried; the documents in various municipal archives relating to Ginetta's houses - in Monte Carlo, for instance, the record of the Services Fiscaux on the sale of the Villa Ginetta in 1919, states: "Mademoiselle Magliano had declared: that she was single and of adult age….", the 1921 census report for Nice which lists the "chef de ménage" - head of household - of the Villa Terpsichore, as "Magliano, Ginetta."
Finally, there as the Aga Khan-III's will which, of course, came to light only after his death, its contents known to only a limited circle. This testament makes the fascinating assertion that the Aga married Ginetta not once, but twice. The 1908 ceremony, the only one hitherto mentioned by biographers and interviewers, was revealed to be a "muta marriage" - a strange form of temporary marriage (marriage for pleasure), which requires no ceremony, no witnesses and can be contracted for an hour, a night or a hundred years. The requirements are consent of both parties and fair payment - "muta" - means pittance. STRONG DEMAND FOR SETTING UP AND APPOINTMENT OF HIGH LEVEL IMPARTIAL COMMISSION OF THE GENETIC SCIENCES AND PARA MEDICAL EXPERTS FOR CARRYING OUT CLICK HERE http://www.dnatestingcentre.com
D.N.A. TEST OF PRINCE KARIM AGA KHAN. It is now ripe time during the period of modern Genetic Science by virtue of which if multiple, powerful, sensitive and effective cross Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (D.N.A) test of H.H. Prince Karim Aga Khan is carried out meticulously and candidly it would be surely determined in speaking evidence that Karim Aga Khan is not born out of the blood and semen of Aly Solomone Khan and will reveal upon the whole world about his hidden illegitimacy so much so DNA is the blueprint for life bases form the genetic code.
This fact of the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test can be verified from the website as shown hereunder by way of clicking the website on Internet, Click here: http://www.god93.dial.pipex.com/ks4biology/dna1.htm.
It would also be observed that three bases form one bit of the code-a triplet code. Cells use the triplet code to make proteins in cell organelles called ribosome. Some of the proteins work as enzymes controlling chemistry in the cell. In this way, the DNA tells cells what to do. The performance of thorough DNA test upon Karim Aga Khan built up from nucleotides, found in chromosomes and Nucleotide built from a nitrogenous base (base containing nitrogen) a 5-carbon sugar (a pintos sugar) and a phosphate group with Nitrogenous bases of (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G) and Thiamine (T) in terms of genetic code made by a triplet of bases of chains: AAA; GCT; CAT etc., is itself a genetic engineering and is surely going to blatantly expose Karim Aga Khan that he is an unknown illegitimately born "bastard" as per the sayings of the ancient times of 1935 and an unknown illegitimate born love child of the modern age sayings, presented by Joan Barbara Yarde-Buller to Aly Solomone Khan as dowry at the time of her marriage with him on 18th May 1936 within seven days after the decree nisi that had been pronounced by the London Divorce Court, had become absolute. As a secondary measure, it is also worthwhile here to reiterate that Karim Aga Khan should physically and practically prove before the world whether he has underwent the procedure of his own circumcision or not when he is claiming himself to be a Muslim so much so he is an illegitimate born child of unknown foetus and hence there is every likelihood that he may not have undergone the process and ceremony of circumcision when his mother was in the wedlock of Thomas Loel Evelyn Bulkeley Guinness carrying the foetus in her womb before the divorce and marriage with Aly Solomone Khan. In this regard a detailed genetic technique scanned report need to be published in the world newspapers so that the world may know the facts in this behalf through the images of the said Report.
THIS HAS BEEN NECESSIATED FOR THE COGENT REASONS THAT even Aly Solomon Khan had not undergone the performance of his own circumcision which secret and fact was revealed after his death on12th May 1960 in a car accident when a team of persons who were entrusted the job of giving bath to the dead body of Aly Solomone Khan, had revealed this secret and had spread this news amongst selected persons that strangely the circumcision of Aly Solomone Khan the so called father of Karim Aga Khan was found to have not been performed. To be continued on Part-II (About Aga Khan a notorious Playboy and a Womanizer)
PRINCE KARIM AGA KHAN- is PlayBoy ........ Explore the Gallery of Aga khan and his family
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Aga Khan want' his own country, relocating millions of Ismailis from Africa to Asia. |
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Agha Khan with With Flag but no Country |
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Aga Khan divorces Ms. Sally Croker-Poole in 1995 |
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Aga Khan divorces Ms. Gabriele Homey in 2004 |
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Aga khan (AgaKhan) new love Rose de Witchestein (Ismaili Spiritual Leader) |
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Agha Khan with another Model |
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Aga Khan Second wife |
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The Porsche 911 GT3 RS driving, dog-loving, mega model, Kendra Spears is engaged to Prince Rahim Aga Khan, eldest son of the Aga Khan.
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Karim Aga Khan's eldest son, Rahim Aga Khan, has just got married. He is marrying a supermodel 17 years his junior by the name of Kendra Spears. |
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Agha khan in Church |
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Agha Khan wit Model |
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Aga Khan in News with his new Love |
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Agha Khan with British Elites ... mean he is Illuminate |
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Aga Khan IV's Grandfather |
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Agha Khan on front page of Magzine |
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Agha Khan with girl friend # 100 :D |
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