
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Occult Meaning of Lady Gaga’s Video “G.U.Y.”

Lady Gaga’s video for her song “G.U.Y.” has a lot of viewers asking “What the heck did I just watch?” While at first the video may appear to be a bunch of nonsensical and random imagery, as usual, there is meaning behind the images. And, as usual, it is in line with the occult elite’s philosophy and mythology. In this article, we’ll look at the esoteric meaning of Gaga’s video “G.U.Y.”.

Lady Gaga has been around for while now (my first article about her was almost five years ago) and, although many have tired of her attention-seeking stunts, she still maintains a solid, and dedicated, fan base. Her video entitled G.U.Y. got her fans excited, but reading comments on YouTube, most of them openly don’t get what is happening in the seven-minute production. And who can blame them? There are men in suits fighting with bows and arrows, there are the Real Housewives of Hollywood playing instruments, there’s Michael Jackson being resuscitated, and there are Legos. This headache-inducing video that spans several songs nevertheless contains a linear and (somewhat) logical storyline and meaning. To truly understand it, however, one must be aware of the mythology invoked in Gaga’s video (and her entire album) and the occult meaning behind it. Once these important connections are made, the rest begins to make a little more sense.

As is the case with most Lady Gaga videos, there are a few obvious pop culture references – which are profusely commented on by music reviewers – but the underlying, fundamental story goes unnoticed, or at least unmentioned. Nonetheless, this story is steeped in the mythology that is upheld by the occult elite.

The sexually charged video premiered on NBC’s show Dateline on March 22, right before a report about two teenage girls who were abducted and abused. Why did the video premier on Dateline, of all shows – and why right before this kind of report? Maybe for the same reason Gaga had a “vomit artist” vomit on her during her live performances at the recent SXSW: Her work often ends up promoting what she appears to be denouncing. In the case of the “vomit artist”, under the guise of “being yourself” or whatever, she’s 
actually glamorizing bulimia and all-around self-destruction.
Millie Brown sticks her finger down her throat and vomit a green substance all over Gaga. Is this art or another way to mess up the minds of young girls?
On this fitting note, let’s look at Gaga’s video G.U.Y.

Fallen Angel

The first scene of the video is quite enigmatic, clearly announcing that it is a Gaga flick, where the line between profound artistry and random nonsense is always difficult to define. It begins with a bunch of men in suits fighting in a field, grabbing at dollar bills. Then we see Lady Gaga on the ground with wings on her back.
A fallen angel.
Gaga is pierced by an arrow that was apparently shot by one of the suit guys who is holding a bow. Why was Gaga shot down? Do the men represent music industry scumbags? Maybe. One thing is for sure: Gaga was an angel flying in the sky, minding her own business, then was shot down, becoming a fallen angel. And who is the most important fallen angel in History? Lucifer, of course.
The fall of Lucifer as depicted in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”.
While one could argue that Gaga playing the role of a fallen angel might not inherently imply that she’s referring to Lucifer, a look at the symbolism later in the video strongly points towards it. Indeed, much of the video plays on the esoteric associations between Lucifer, Venus and Ishtar, which I will cover a little further down.

Back in the video, a wounded Lucifer-Gaga gets up and walks towards civilization, ending up in front of the Hearst Castle. The location of the video is significant for several reasons. The castle was built by newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, one of the most powerful and richest men in American history and the inspiration behind the film Citizen Kane. The mansion used to be a popular meeting point for Hollywood stars and the political elite. Like Gaga’s work, the Hearst Castle combined entertainment and the occult elite.

Unsurprisingly, William Randolph Hearst was himself an important figure of the occult elite.
“William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati, he was part of the branch Illuminati — at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum.”
 - Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave

“Illuminatus William Randolph Hearst gave Anton LaVey some big help. His Avon Publishing published his Satanic Bible in 1969 (it was first released in Dec. ‘69). Since then it has reportedly gone through over 30 printings. LaVey’s next book The Satanic Rituals also was published by Hearst Avon in 1972. It talks about the power that blood sacrifices give the magician. Hearst’s papers also gave him publicity.”
 - Ibid.

“William Randolph Hearst Jr., was a 33 degree mason and a very powerful man in the media world.”
 - B.Huldah, The JFK Files

The newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, a high-degree Illuminati initiate, funded his early “crusades”. The Hearst mansion in California is furnished with hundreds of ancient Egyptian and other Near and Middle Eastern artefacts. Most of them are original and were shipped to the United States by Hearst at enormous expense.
It was Hearst’s support for Franklin Delano Roosevelt that won “FDR” the Democratic nomination and the presidency in 1933. Roosevelt, the wartime president, was one of the great Illuminati frontmen of the 20th century (see …And The Truth Shall Set You Free). The Rockefellers, Witneys, and Vanderbilts, all Illuminati bloodline families, have funded other Graham “crusades”.
 - David Icke, The Biggest Secret
 Given Hearst’s connection to the elite, it is of course not surprising that the Hearst castle was built with the occult elite’s mythology in mind – which is, in turn, the mythology Lady Gaga is always attempting to sell to the youth.

Lucifer-Gaga arrives in front of the Hearst Castle and is greeted by hooded men.
Of course, the two guardians of this Castle of the Occult Elite won’t let Lucifer die like this. They get her inside the castle so she can get a ritual fit for a fallen angel.


When Gaga enters the castle, the song Venus begins. Gaga’s entire album is centered around multiple representations of Venus (in the video for Applause, she is dressed as Venus as depicted in Botticelli’s painting The Birth of Venus). In G.U.Y, the theme of Venus is still central in numerous symbolic ways, including its esoteric association with Lucifer.

Since ancient times, the planet Venus has been known as the Morning Star and the Evening Star. The Romans designated the morning aspect of Venus as Lucifer, meaning “light bringer”. In the Bible, Lucifer, the angel cast out of the heavens, is also referred to as the morning star.

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations”
 - Isaiah 14:12, NIV
The association between Lucifer and Venus remains of the utmost importance in modern occultism.

In the modern occultism of Madeline Montalban, Lucifer’s identification as the Morning Star (Venus) equates him with Lumiel, whom she regarded as the Archangel of Light, and among Satanists he is seen as the “Torch of Baphomet” and Azazel. However, in lesser-known Kabbalah lore, Lumiel was also described as an angel of the earth, though usually Sandalphon and Uriel are the only Archangels associated with the element of earth. In any case, Lumiel’s precise identity has always been controversial and many people, who tried to discover his true nature, eventually came to refer Lumiel as a “dark angel”.
 -  Wikipedia entry for Lucifer

Therefore, Gaga playing the role of a fallen angel while a song named Venus plays in the background is far from being random. While the word Venus is repeated throughout the song, another important symbol appears on screen.
While a dying Lucifer-Gaga is being carried by hooded men, the path to her “burial site” is paved with the symbol of the star of Ishtar.
 important symbol in occult Mysteries. Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war, and sexuality and is considered to be the “divine personification of the planet Venus”. This ancient Semitic symbol therefore completes the esoteric representation of the concept of Lucifer-Venus-Ishtar, a profound, mysterious and extremely important concept in the Mysteries of occult secret societies.

Why was the symbol of the star of Ishtar embedded on the floor of the Hearst Castle? As stated above, William Randolph Hearst was a 33rd degree Freemason and an Illuminatus who was highly knowledgeable in occult symbolism. The symbol of the star of Ishtar often appears on the floor of “occult-themed” buildings (see my articles on the Los Angeles Central Library and the Manitoba Legislative Building).

In this symbolically-charged setting, Gaga is taken to the castle’s Neptune pool where a death ritual takes place.
On Gaga is placed an arrangement of flowers and … Monarch butterflies. Is this a way of saying that Gaga’s death and rebirth is done through Monarch Programming?

After the death ritual, Gaga is reborn and greets Himeros, the god of sexual desire. Her hair is now platinum blonde and, from being an angel, Gaga is now all about sexuality. Does this represent the creation of the persona of Lady Gaga by the occult elite music business?
After the rebirth, everything in the video turns to white and things become highly sexual.

While Gaga’s rebirth is happening the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills make an appearance playing the role of the muses, daughters of Zeus. The fact that they clearly do not know how to play these instruments and that there’s obviously no harp or cello in the actual song add to the fact that this is all about being fake, phony and plastic.

In this scene, Gaga has her head on a work created by the “lego artist” Nathan Sawaya. What a great way to show how Gaga’s persona is artificially built and completely empty inside.
Himeros was an Erotes – a collective of winged gods associated with love and lust. Here, Gaga’s dancers play the role of various Erotes.

Here Gaga holds a lego apple with a bite taken from it which is a reference to the apple of the Garden of Eden. The apple was given by Lucifer and gave humans knowledge of good and evil. In occult Mysteries, Lucifer is viewed as a “savior” who gave humans the knowledge to become gods themselves.

While Gaga’s rebirth seems to be all about love, she is also brewing a revenge master plan … a very strange and disturbing master plan that involves a rather unholy science.

Gaga enters a room containing four tombs connected to a computer. From them emerge Jesus Christ, Gandhi, and Michael Jackson.

Nurses then proceed to draw blood from each zombie, including Jesus, which is kind of not respectful.
 There are several things that do not make sense in this scene. One of them is: Why is Jesus even there? Isn’t the whole point of his story is that he resurrected and ascended to heaven? Why is he even in a tomb? And why does Lady Gaga have access to it? I mean, according to Christianity, Jesus was not some “guy”.

Anyhow, each one of these three figures are meant to represent a trait that should be present in Gaga’s vision of the ultimate “guy”. Interesting fact: All of these figures were killed by the “powers that be” in their time, after which their message and “aura” was used for all kinds of foul agendas. Also, you might have noticed that there are four tombs, but only three men are shown. According to the director (and the credits), the missing figure was John Lennon, but Gaga decided to remove him from the video. Interesting fact: Lennon was also assassinated (and most likely by an MK stooge).

The blood is collected by nurses wearing stylized horns.
 Horns equals playing God and that’s exactly what the horned nurses do.

The horned (horny?) nurses begin cloning a bunch of dudes wearing black suits.
 While the cloning is happening in the background, Gaga and friends dance very sexily. Playing God and cloning people using the blood of dead people is indeed very hot. If I saw Jesus-cloning going on, I’d also want to take off my shirt and dance feverishly.

Once Gaga’s army of clones (strange way to represent her fans) is complete, she goes to the offices of the suited men who shot her down in the beginning of the video.

From white, everything now switches to black. Gaga wears crow wings on her head. In Ancient Greece and other civilizations, crows were considered to be omens of death.

“Look at me, I’m a clone AND a douchebag.” This what Lady Gaga-sponsored science produces.
Gaga and her clone army storm the office building and Gaga force-feeds some execs the blood of Jesus, Ghandi and Michael Jackson. I’m pretty sure that anyone of these three figures would approve of Gaga’s plan. Or maybe they’d be like “Hey Gaga, give me back my blood. What the hell is wrong with you?”

The video ends with an upsetting scene: Thousands of cloned “guys” mindlessly leaving the Hearst Castle to annoy the world.
This is how the elite sees consumers of popular culture: a bunch of brainless clones doing as they’re told. The clones emerge from the Hearst Castle (an occult elite hotspot), indicating that these clones are made the occult elite’s way.
To sum up this video, Gaga begins as a fallen angel who got shot down from the heavens by greedy business men. She is then “initiated” inside a Hollywood-occult-elite castle where she is reborn as a lustful blonde goddess. She then quickly uses her powers to create an army of clones using blood from Jesus Christ, Gandhi and Michael Jackson. Yup.
In Conclusion

G.U.Y. is profoundly steeped in the elite’s symbolism and mythology. Shot at the Hearst Castle, a mansion built by a high-level Illuminatus, G.U.Y. tells viewers where the messages communicated in popular culture emerge from. The same way William Randolph Hearst manipulated public opinion with his brand of “yellow journalism”, today’s culture affects public opinion through pop stars.
The video starts with symbolism that is strongly Luciferian – and Luciferianism is all about becoming gods. Then Gaga actually becomes a god and starts giving life to a new race of clones. Of course, all of those messages are coated with a large amount of “love” and sexiness to make them easy to digest for today’s average viewer.

In short, G.U.Y. is a typical Lady Gaga video. And like all typical Lady Gaga videos, while the story appears to be uplifting and “empowering” (man, I hate that word), its factory-created, mindless clones and occult Illuminati symbolism actually glorify elite repression and mass mind control.

… Kind of like having someone vomit on you to denounce bulimia.

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