
Saturday, March 29, 2014

“Prisoners” An illuminati Entertainment Industry Movie

“Prisoners” is a 2013 thriller film about the abduction of two girls in Pennsylvania. Behind this crime story is an underlying spiritual subtext and subtle symbolism that gives the movie another layer of meaning – one that comments on religion, morality and the hidden forces at play in society. This article will look at the esoteric meaning of “Prisoners”.

Prisoners is the kind of movie that stays in your mind long after the ending credits roll. This is not only due to its gripping, dramatic story but to the spiritual subtext that underlies it all. As the film unfolds and the crime investigation progresses, esoteric concepts and symbolism are also introduced, giving the movie an entirely new dimension. What appears to be a story about the abduction of two little girls turns into a profound spiritual journey of humans facing adversity and finding themselves lost between good and evil, right and wrong, and morality and immorality.

Jinn Movie Trailer : An illuminati Entertainment industry movie

Jinn Movie Trailer from zahid on Vimeo.

Jinn movie is realeasing on 4-4-2014 and the trailer is extremely popular and the message it's delivering is true that it start humans were created from clay , angels from light and jin fron fire . But there are few fishy thing about this movie , no doubt that its illuminate entertainment industry movie , because entire hollywood is controled by illuminate and no doubt that how this violence and horror movie get PG-13 rating , behind this PG-13 trick what i see is that as we can see already know that illuimate are constantly promating themselves so fastly and openly from the begining of 21 centurey so they want that now people know their existance and realise how much they are powerful than humans , after all in reality satan is Jin and his puppets other small satan are also in jins catergory , so in this movie maybe they will prove that how jins are superior and powerful , its one basic trick as the final war is approaching which will be between races of stan and follower of Allah so with this movie illuminate will create some sort of fear in hearts of everyone from kids to adults so that when time comes they join army of satan mean jins due to fear that they are superior and powerful ( i.e basic concept is same as Ukraine where Crimea join russia as people of Crimea saw russian in position of power so they join it ) so this PG-13 is about that from kids to adults watch this movie and they realise that how powerful are jins and when right time come they will join us . Also stop that trailer on 1:47 and you can see three sybmols there , 1) Moon with star ( represent Muslims ) 2) six pointer star "The hexagram is Satan's symbol for Israel" 3)Burning Christian cross , all three mega symbols at one place . ..... Also the most exciting thing about that movie is its release date 4-4-14 (4+4+1+4 =13) which is shown it end , to illuminate number 13 is very important . How ?? soon i will post an article over illuminate symbols on my blog.