
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”: One Big, Children-Friendly Tribute to the Illuminati

Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” is a fun and colorful video taking place in Ancient Egypt. However, behind the cartoonish style of the video, viewers are exposed to a great deal of symbolism of the occult elite and messages regarding its power. We’ll look at the symbolism of “Dark Horse”.

Katy Perry is a gigantic pop star, mainly because her songs and videos appeal to teens and pre-teens while her sex-appeal captures the attention of the older crowd. This makes her a perfect tool to be used by the elite to communicate its messages and, as seen in previous articles about her, her songs and videos are fully used for that purpose. Dark Horse, however, is on a whole other level. It is pure, relentless, in-your-face Illuminati symbolism, interlaced with references to the elite’s brand of black magic and mind control. Playing the role of “Katy-Patra”, a Egyptian pharaoh reminiscent of ancient sex symbol Cleopatra, Katy Perry rules over her subjects the same way the occult elite rules over the world.

In my article on the 2014 Grammy Awards, I described Katy Perry’s performance of Dark Horse as a black magick ritual disguised as a music performance. The video goes straight to the roots of this sorcery: Egyptian Black Magick, the original source that is tapped into by today’s dark secret societies.

Before we look at the actual video, let’s look at its trailer, which contains a few interesting elements.

The Trailer

The trailer mentions a “magical Queen” in Egypt. We see the Queen sitting in front of her subjects, which are mind-controlled sex kittens.
Then the trailer states that Kings would travel from “Brooklyn to Babylon” to meet her. Babylon, which was a real ancient metropolis located where Iraq is today, was ruled by various ancient empires and has long been an epicenter of the elite’s black magic.

The Eye of Horus, aka the All Seeing Eye, inside a pyramid, the elite’s favorite symbol. Prepare to see a WHOLE LOT of it in the music video.
Let’s look at the video.

Dark Horse

Dark Horse takes place in a colorful, child-friendly version of Ancient Egypt that’s been “hip-hop-ized” about 15% to appeal to its target audience. Katy Perry plays the role of an evil, greedy, egoistical, despotic pharaoh named Katy-Patra who destroys men for their belongings. What a great lesson for girls under the age of 14. In a wider sense, Katy-Patra’s rule represents the occult elite taking resources and power from nations (represented by the kings). What a great lesson for the rest of the world.

Illuminati Pharaoh

Throughout the video, it is firmly established that Katy-Patra is an evil tyrant using black magic to control and destroy people while having a bunch of kitten slaves at her feet. Kind of like what the occult elite does. And of course there are all kinds of blatant symbols that show her to be a representative of the Illuminati.

The Eye of Horus stamped on her wig. Very classy.

Doing the One-Eye sign so it is clear what this all about.

Katy-Patra naked and surrounded by Egyptian gods.

The above scenes tell plenty about the occult-elite influenced mythology of the video. Katy-Patra is looked upon by Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death, probably because she likes to kill people. Behind her is the falcon-headed god Horus wearing gold chains (to make him look “cool” to young, impressionable viewers). Notice that he only has one eye – a reference, once again, to the All-Seeing Eye of Horus. More importantly, Katy-Patra is surrounded by a golden snake, which probably refers to the evil Egyptian god Apep.

Apep is an evil god in ancient Egyptian religion depicted as a snake/serpent and a dragon. He is the deification of darkness and chaos. He is the enemy of light, order and truth (Ma’at). In the context of Katy-Patra’s rule of general evil, her being surrounded by Apep is more than fitting. It also fits the Illuminati rule of power.

Three 6 Mafia rapper Juicy J makes an appearance in the video and his entrance is pretty darn symbolic too. He literally emerges from some kind sarcophagus, which features the occult-elite’s favorite symbol in lieu of eyes: The Eye of Horus inside a triangle.

The symbol on the eyes is not even Egyptian, it is purely Masonic. The symbolism in the entire video is not exclusively “Egyptian”, but is the specific symbolism of the occult elite.

On top of all of that symbolism, we must never forget another part of the Agenda: Exposing young people to hyper-sexualization.

Although she’s a powerful pharaoh, Katy-Patra always finds the time to do some pole-dancing on a stage marked with a Eye of Horus. She is also backed by her Kitten slaves – much like her young fans who imitate her, who she refers to as “Katycats”

Katy-Patra’s Suitors

The video is essentially about kings from other nations trying to wow Katy-Patra with amazing gifts. The first suitor offers her a gigantic diamond.

The guys is all like “you want that diamond don’t you”. He is wearing an eye-patch, hiding one eye, indicating that he’s another idiot that’s trying to be down with the elite.

Katy-Patra immediately orders her kitten slaves to snatch that diamond from the suitor.

Katy-Patra’s examines the diamond through a big Eye of Horus thingie. There is however a problem: That Eye of Horus is NOT TRANSPARENT.

The above image is symbolic for a few reasons: First, it tells the viewers that Katy-Patra plays the role of the occult elite in the video. Second, she CANNOT see through the Eye (it is opaque). She instead sees the diamond through the elite’s “eyes”, which are focused on greed, power and material possessions. Finally, children who watch music videos need to be exposed to that one-eye sign all the time.

I could stop the video analysis here. What else do you truly need to know about the video? Katy Perry is looking at a big diamond using an Eye of Horus to hide one eye. This scene is a 100% continuation of about everything I’ve ever talked about on this site. And there it is again, right in our faces, in one of the world’s most popular videos. Really, how can anyone think that all this symbolism is “just a coincidence”? Anyhow, back to the video.

The eye-patched sap gets zapped by magic emerging from the eyes of Katy-Patra’s throne. That’s what you get for trying to suck up to Illuminati.

She then takes the guy’s jewels and stuffs them in her mouth, giving herself the classic “greedy moron” look.

The next suitor tries to entice Katy-Patra’s gluttony by offering her food.

This guy offers Katy-Patra food the same way poor nations give up their resources to the global elite.

Of course, things do not turn out great for that guy, either.

The last suitor brings what Katy-Patra really wants: Power.

This guy has a big Illuminati symbol (i.e. not Egyptian) right between his nipples. He must have something extra good for Katy-Patra.

Katy-Patra receives a gigantic floating pyramid which hides, under a golden layer, an illuminated structure.
Seeing this pyramid, Katy-Patra gets very excited because that’s what she, and the elite, truly wants: Unlimited occult power over the world. The illuminated pyramid essentially represents the Illuminati’s high-tech control over the world.

When Katy-Patra steps on top of the unfinished pyramid, she becomes imbued with crazy magical powers. She even grows wings.

Standing on top of the Illuminati pyramid, Katy-Patra turns into a super-powerful tyrant. That’s probably not a good thing. More importantly, she becomes a personification of the goddess Isis.

The goddess Isis is one of the most important figures in occult secret societies as she represents the key to the Mysteries.
The video ends with Katy-Patra becoming a super-Illuminati pharaoh … and everyone bows down to her … and the suitor turns into a chihuahua. The moral of the video? Illuminati.

In Conclusion

It is rather hard to believe that all of this Illuminati symbolism was packed into a video that only lasts 3 minutes and 40 seconds. It is even harder to believe that some people still cannot see the obvious pattern of symbols found in mass media that transcends artists, music genres and even media outlets. Far from being random, these symbols have been used for centuries to represent the occult elite and they are now all over the place.

More than just flashing symbols, the video Dark Horse tells a darker story: the occult elite’s insatiable greed for ultimate power while dismissing the petty rulers operating underneath it. Katy-Patra indeed takes resources from various kings of the world and then destroys them. In the end, she climbs on an Illuminati pyramid and turns into an unstoppable pharaoh imbued with magical powers. Could the brainwashing be more obvious?

In short, Dark Horse is Illuminati propaganda aimed at children, using bright colors and catchy hooks to subliminally teach them who rules the world and who controls the idols that they love and emulate. Of course, none of this is clearly spelled out. Instead, it comes at you through symbolism … like a dark horse.

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