
Friday, December 6, 2013

Who are Ismaili (Aga Khani) ?

About Aga kah read this Post (
Ismaili devil ritual kissing women legs not men legs only women :P ... Aga Khan is busy ........... 

Who are Ismaili (Aga Khani) ?
Islamili (Aga Khani) and their difference of belief from Muslims.
1. The Ismailis (followers of the Aga Khan) all professedly believe that the Qur’an was time bound and was not meant to be a Universal message for all times. They believe that their spiritual leader, Karim Aga Khan, is the “walking – talking Qur’an” and his “religious pronouncements”, whatever they may be, are the “guidance” for the present times. The fundamental article of faith that there will not be any NEW revelations or “wahy” after the Qur’an, is being completely violated by the Ismailis.
2. The Aga Khan has officially Declared himself, before his followers, as the “Mazhar of Allah on earth”. The word “mazhar” means “copy” or “manifest”. Consequently, these Ismailis who call themselves Muslims do “sujood” before him. So even the primary axiomatic principle of Tawheed is being fundamentally and formally violated by them.
3. The Ismailis are not instructed to offer the Islamic Salaah, observe Saum or perform Hajj. They have replaced Salaah with certain shirk-infested Dua’as (thrice a day). They are told that their Hajj is a personal “Glimpse” (Deedaar) of Karim Aga Khan.
4. The Aga Khan and his appointees ‘forgive the sins’ of the followers on regular basis. Ismailis are misled into believing that they will not be questioned on the Day of Judgment for the sins that are already forgiven in their Jamatkhanas (community centers). Forgiving of sins is the exclusive prerogative and privilege of Allah (swt) alone. Qur’an 3:135.
5. Against this backdrop, most of the poor (spiritually poor) Ismailis who are not introduced to al-Furqan are confused and misguided. Hence, Ismailis are very easy prey to missionary efforts by various Christian groups and Baha’is. I have known a couple of young ex-Ismailis who are today preaching “Pauline Christianity” to Ismailis as evangelical missionaries.
6. Karim Aga Khan’s own daughter Zahra having married a practising Christian has opened the gates for young Ismailis girls to follow the footsteps of a family member of their beloved Imam-e-Zaman. The parents of the Ismaili girls who wish to marry outside of Islam have no recourse but to let them go.
7. The Aga Khan has made Halaal for the Ismailis that which Allah has made Haraam for the Muslims. Taking of interest (usury) is not forbidden by the religious instruction classes run by the “Tariqaah” board of the Ismailis. As a matter of fact, the much publicized “Venture Capital” program (details on the website of FORBES Magazine – search under “Aga Khan”), of loaning funds on interest by the AKFED (Aga Khan Fund & Economic Development), has been a great success. Similar entrepreneurial projects are now being actively promoted and introduced to poor Muslims of Tajikistan and neighboring areas.
8. The Muslim Ummaah and the various Muslim leaders are not fully aware of these Un-Islamic acts and beliefs of this community of less than two million members, who claim to be the Ismaili Muslims. Surprisingly, their leader Aga Khan claims himself to be a spiritual leader of 15 million Muslims and a Direct Descendant of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
9. Earlier, one did not have authentic books on Ismailism, but it is not so anymore. There are two authentic books as well as one comprehensive web site exposing the inner practices of the Ismailis and the Proclamations (Farmans) of the Aga Khans. Hence, now you have no “hujjah” argument or excuse left before Allah (swt) for not taking up the task of inviting the misguided “Ismaili Muslims” towards the Deen of Allah (swt) and not safeguarding them from committing unpardonable sin of Shirk.
10. The Aga Khan in collaboration with so many Western powers and aid, has set up the world-wide Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) which runs several institutions and service companies both in the profit and not for profit sectors. This network is very actively operating in Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Bangladesh, and has now started concentrating its efforts in Tajikistan and the neighbouring areas where there is a concentration of Muslims who have not known or openly practised Islam for the decades. By taking up economical, social, educational and rural development efforts through NGOs (Non-Govt. Organizations) within the AKDN, the Ismailis and the Aga Khan have gained wide acceptance amongst these countries and masses.
Why the ISmaiilies are declared non-muslims….

1. Declaring believe in Allah, and believe in the Prophet is the basis of faith, however it is NOT enough and lots of other ‘nice’ things does not suffice to save onself from Hell.
2. The Aga Khan of the Ismailis presents Farmans and they are accepted as doctrine
This is a recorded Farman of Aga Khan III wherein he says;
“If I say it is night, (you are to believe) it is night. If I say it is day (you are to believe) it is day”
In contrast Allah (swt) says:
“Give the warning to those in whose (hearts) is the fear that they will be brought (to Judgement) before their Lord, for whom there is no protecting friend nor intercessor beside Him (Allah), that they may ward off (evil)” “… and who can forgive sins except Allah?” Holy Quran 6/51 and 3/135
This speech is also documented well in Ismaili books you can check it out for yourself if you doubt what I say. You dont have to be a genius to know that this is clear heresy.
Mowla’na Ima’m Hasan Ala’Zikrihis Salaam (23rd Ismaili Imam) declared the Youm-el-Qiya’ma, the Day of Resurrection, which was held on the nineteenth of Ramaza’n, 559 a.h. (10th of August, 1164). Thousands upon thousands of Ismai’ilis came from all corners of the world to attend this important day of resurrection of the holy faith. The Holy Ima’m declared…
 “Today I have explained to you the Law [shari'at] and its meaning. I make you free from the rigidity of the Law and resurrect you from the bondage of the letter to the freedom of the spirit of the Law. Obey me and follow my farma’n…. Break your fast and rejoice. This is the day of utmost happiness and gratitude.”
In contrast to this Allah (swt) says
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).
(Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days. And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (i.e. an old man, etc.), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a poor person (for every day). But whoever does good of his own accord, it is better for him. And that you fast, it is better for you if only you know.” (2:183-84)
“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan), he must fast that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number (of days which one did not fast must be made up) from other days.
Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allah for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him” (2: 185).
3. Another shocking statement by an Ismaili Imam (the grandfather of current Aga Khan IV. Interestingly the father of the currect Aga Khan was NOT made Imam because he had numerous affairs with hollywood actresses during his time and was an embarassment even to Ismailis):
20 February 1910, at Rajkot, India, Aga Khan III
 “Do not at all reflect about the future and do not at all think about whether you shall receive the Heaven or the Hell in the afterlife. Because, all things — the Heaven and the Hell — [to give] is in my hand.
Well that quote was so ridiculous. Let there NO doubt that saying such a think is shirk. There are there are just too many passages from the Quran regarding the ultimate Judge being Allah (swt) on yaumul qiyaam that there is not enough space to post so to make the quote above look laughable. Malik i yaum i deen is ONLY and will ONLY ever be Allah (swt). Anyone claiming to be otherwise will be destined for Hellfire.
4. The Ismailism all professedly believes that the Qur’an was time bound and was not meant to be a Universal message for all times. They believe that their spiritual leader, Karim Aga Khan, is the “walking – talking Qur’an” and his “religious pronouncements”, whatever they may be, are the “guidance” for the present times. The fundamental article of faith that there will not be any NEW revelations or “wahy” after the Qur’an, is being completely violated by the Ismailis.
5. The Aga Khan has officially Declared himself, before his followers, as the “Mazhar of Allah on earth”. The word “mazhar” means “copy” or “manifest”. Consequently, these Ismailis who call themselves Muslims do “sujood” before him. So even the primary axiomatic principle of Tawheed is being fundamentally and formally violated by them.
6. The Ismailis are not instructed to offer the Islamic Salaah, observe Saum or perform Hajj. They have replaced Salaah with certain shirk-infested Dua’as (thrice a day) and praying in the form of Hindu inspired ‘Ginans’. To the peope that do not know it is NOT Salaat. It is NOT doing wudhu and other things that the Shariah commands. It is a series of songs which are sung in “jamaatKhanes (because they do not have masjidss)” They are told that their Hajj is a personal “Glimpse” (Deedaar) of Karim Aga Khan.
7. The Aga Khan and his appointees ‘forgive the sins’ of the followers on regular basis. Ismailis are misled into believing that they will not be questioned on the Day of Judgment for the sins that are already forgiven in their Jamatkhanas (community centers). Forgiving of sins is the exclusive prerogative and privilege of Allah (swt) alone. Qur’an 3:135.
8. Against this backdrop, most of the poor (spiritually poor) Ismailis who are not introduced to al-Furqan are confused and misguided. Hence, Ismailis are very easy prey to missionary efforts by various Christian groups and Baha’is. I have known a couple of young ex-Ismailis who are today preaching “Pauline Christianity” to Ismailis as evangelical missionaries.
9. Karim Aga Khan’s own daughter Zahra having married a practising Christian has opened the gates for young Ismailis girls to follow the footsteps of a family member of their beloved Imam-e-Zaman. The parents of the Ismaili girls who wish to marry outside of Islam have no recourse but to let them go.
10. The Aga Khan has made Halaal for the Ismailis that which Allah has made Haraam for the humans. Taking of interest (usury) is not forbidden by the religious instruction classes run by the “Tariqaah” board of the Ismailis. As a matter of fact, the much publicized “Venture Capital” program (details on the website of FORBES Magazine – search under “Aga Khan”), of loaning funds on interest by the AKFED (Aga Khan Fund & Economic Development), has been a great success. Similar entrepreneurial projects are now being actively promoted and introduced to poor Muslims of Tajikistan and neighboring areas.
11. The Muslim Ummaah and the various Muslim leaders are not fully aware of these Un-Islamic acts and beliefs of this community of less than two million members, who claim to be the Ismaili Muslims. Surprisingly, their leader Aga Khan claims himself to be a spiritual leader of 15 million Muslims and a Direct Descendant of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
12 Earlier, one did not have authentic books on Ismailism, but it is not so anymore. There are two authentic books as well as one comprehensive web site exposing the inner practices of the Ismailis and the Proclamations (Farmans) of the Aga Khans. Hence, now you have no “hujjah” argument or excuse left before Allah (swt) for not taking up the task of inviting the misguided “Ismaili Muslims” towards the Deen of Allah (swt) and not safeguarding them from committing unpardonable sin of Shirk.
13. The Aga Khan in collaboration with so many Western powers and aid, has set up the world-wide Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) which runs several institutions and service companies both in the profit and not for profit sectors. This network is very actively operating in Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Bangladesh, and has now started concentrating its efforts in Tajikistan and the neighbouring areas where there is a concentration of Muslims who have not known or openly practised Islam for the decades. By taking up economical, social, educational and rural development efforts through NGOs (Non-Govt. Organizations) within the AKDN, the Ismailis and the Aga Khan have gained wide acceptance amongst these countries and masses. Hence this urgent appeal.
14. Now all these beneficiaries are “obliged and grateful” to the Aga Khan and his followers and his organizations for the much-needed schools, medical centers, hospitals, various projects and programmes. In this manner they are penetrating and infiltrating the support system – and one fine day, the Muslim Ummaah will wake up to the unexpected realization that they have a community of so called Muslims, practicing the Un-Islamic Tariqaah, in charge of all core and support activities. Each of these much-needed projects will have the photos of Aga Khan decorating the walls.
So if we review:
1) If the ‘Imam’ declares yaum ul qiyaam he is a Dajjal.
2) If the ‘Imam’ declares fasting is not obligatory he is a Dajjal
3) If the ‘Imam’ declares Hajj is not obligatory he is a Dajjal
4) Declaring Heaven and Hell as “metaphorical” rather than real places means he is a Dajjal
5) Allah IS AL HAKIM and the judger of Yaum ul Qiyam and the ONLY one that can accept repentance and tauba. Not any Imam.
6)The Quran explicits states that those who believe in Allah and the last day “PROSTRATE THEMSELVES IN PRAYER”
7) Masjid were and have always been places of worship not “JamaatKhanes”
8) When the Ismailism denies the obligation prayers as mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah is kufr. To replace Salaat with “ginans” and shirk songs is kufr. Ismailis claim to follow the Imams like the Shia. Well the Imams ALL carried out salaat and no obly tha but did extra nafil and extra salaat in line with the teachings Rasulallah (pbuh). All Hadith of Sunni and Shia states this. The entire Muslim Ummah carrys out salaat and namaz. The enture Muslim Ummah Prostrates themselves in pray during Hajj in front of Allah as they have done for thousands of years. I cannot understand how Aga Khanis can deny this and think it is made up BS that we do all these things and that actually salaat is a fantasy and rasullalah and the imams instead sat in a jamaatkhane. Salaat is performed exactly how it was by billions of Muslims.
10. Allah Commands:
“From whencesoever thou startest forth (for prayer) turn thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: That is indeed the truth from thy Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. So from whencesoever thou startest forth, turn thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque; among wheresoever ye are turn your face thither: That there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye may be guided”. Holy Quran 2/ 149-150
Ismailism says
“Facing Qibla in prayer is not a fundamental principle of Islam, it is a tradition.” ‘Ismaili Tariqah’ page 184
Unfortunately the Ismaili decided to ditch the idea.
So brother honestly Allahs law as outlined in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the prophet in authentic Hadith is the only authentic thing we have. Thats why its outside Islam when you chop and change, and reject obligatory laws like sawm and hajj and say they are not obligatory and spin an interpretation on salaat. As well as declare heaven and hell are metaphoric. THESE ARE THE PILLARS OF ISLAM. They are what is required to be called a Muslim to accept Allah.
There are lots of Muslims who dont fast, dont pray, dont go hajj, dont wear hijab. However if you ask them if it is commanded by Allah they will say yes. But the reason for them not doing it is shaitans influnce
But the situation here is Ismailism says you dont act upon say sawm and hajj or anything else commanded in the Quran. Which means you reject that Allah requires it, despite it being commanded in the Quran.
In the name of Allah (swt) and Islam, kindly urge our Brothers and Sisters to do Da’wah to the Ismailis, who otherwise will, on the day of judgement, hold us responsible for not conveying the Revealed Truth to them. It hurts to see the misguided simple minded people die on SHIRK because we did not amply warn them before their deaths.
To spread the “Truth” and eradicate “Tagoot” is a significant, major Sunnah of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
I want to ask the Ismaili brother an honest question, do you honestly- really believe that this man is Allah’s hujjat on the earth, and the current Imam and successor of the Prophet Muhammad ?

Some Extra Stuff i found about Ismili  

Our Salam (greeting) is: "Ya-ali Madad" and the reply thereto is "Mowla-ali Madad".Our 'Kalima' (Testimony) is: "Ashhado an la ilaha il-Allaho wa ashhado anna Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Ullahe wa ashhado anna Ameer-ul-Momineen Ali-Ullah (i.e. I testify that there is no god except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger and I testify that ALI IS ALLAH = H.H. The Aga Khan).We need not to perform 'Wudhu' (ablution) because our 'Wudhu' is of heart (i.e. not of action). 
Instead of 'Namaz' it is mandatory for every Aga Khani to attend the Jamatkhana to chant the 'Dua' (Prayer) three times a day in place of five times' incumbent 'Namaz' (Canonical Prayers). Standing and knealing is not required in our prayers. Nor we need to face Qiblah, we can pray with our face in any direction for which it is very important to bring the Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) in our perception in the prayers. (We enclose herewith the prayer book which please read and also give to other spiritual brethren).Fast (Roza) is fundamentally of eye, ear and tongue. It cannot be broken by eating and drinking. Our 'Roza' (Fast) is for one-and-a-quarter 'Pahar' (about 4-1/2 hours) which is broken at 10.00 A.M. and that too is optional for the 'Momin' (believer) otherwise fast is not incumbent. Of course, we keep fast on the first day of the month whenever it happens to fall on Friday through sighting of the moon in the whole year.In place of Zakat we pay two annas per rupee ("Dasond") in the Ismaili Jamatkhana considering it mandatory. 
Our Hajj (Pilgrimage) is the vision (sighting) of Hazir Imam {(H.H. The Aga Khan) [(that is because Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan is the only incarnation of the God on the earth)]}.Rather we have with us speaking/talking Quran, that is Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) who is present, but the Musalmans (Muslims) have got merely a void Book i.e. Quran.Mukhi Saheb dissipate our sins for (the period from) morning to evening by sprinkling drops (of water"i.e. Chantta"). If any person amongst us cannot attend the Ismaili Jamatkhana every day, he can get his sins atoned by getting the drops spinkled (on him) by Mukhi and by drinking 'GHATPAT' (holy water) on Fridays against payment of money in the Ismaili Jamatkhana, and if anyone cannot attend Ismaili Jamatkhana on Fridays he can get the sins of or the whole month condoned by means of the said ceremonies on the night the moon is sighted, against payment of money. 
The mode of our worship is:- The Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) gives us a 'Word'/ISM-E-AZAM for which we pay Rs.75/- the worship whereof we perform in the later past of the night. For atonement of worships for 5 years we pay Rs.500/-, for 12 years Rs.1,200/- and for Life Membership (to get the worships for the whole life pardoned) we pay Rs.5000/- in the Jamatkhanas. NOORANI: To obtain the 'noor' (light) of Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) we pay Rs.7,000/- in the Jamatkhanas, whence we got the 'Noor' of Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan). FIDAYEEN: To get ourselves pardoned on the Day of Judgement (Qiyamat) by Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) i.e. (linked) towards the expenses (to be incurred) for getting our 'Noor' linked with that of the Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) we pay Rs.25,000/- in the Ismaili Jamatkhana. NANDI: (Auction) We call charity as 'Nandi' (Auction) The best dishes prepared in our homes, clothes of finest kind and ornaments we contribute as 'Nandi' (Auction) are auctioned by the Ismaili Jamatkhana people and the proceeds are deposited in the Ismaili Jamatkhanas. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO EXPLAIN THAT:
Our religion is centuries old. No one has criticized it till this date. Had our religion been untrue it should have come to an end long ago. Now, if the Musalmans (Muslims) or their Ulemas (Religious Scholars) see any flaw in our religion or if they have any objection, why do not they seek explanation from our office bearers of the H.R.H. Prince Aga Khan Federal Council for Pakistan? The Ulemas (Religious Scholars) of the Musalmans (Muslims) also criticize but why they hesitate in seeking explanation from our Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan)? Are they afraid of our Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan)? For centuries the Ulemas (Religious Scholars) of the Musalmans (Muslims) have never criticized our Ismaili religion then from where have the Ulemas (Religious Scholars) of the fifteenth century awaken to criticize us. During every period, we have enjoyed the support of the Government of the time. Then this is the very fact of the genuineness of our Ismaili religion.O REAL MOMINS (Believers)! Adhere to our Ismaili religion if you are truthful. In (this) world such temptations will continue to come and go. We pray that the 'Noor' (light) of Mowlana Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) may keep you in comfort and prosperous and may you be fortunate to see (have sight of) the Hazir Imam (H.H. The Aga Khan) (Aameen).
LAST KALIMA: Ya Shah Karim-al-Hussaini (H.H. The Aga Khan) Ant-al-Imam-ul-Hazir-ul-Moujudo (Sujudo) Allahumma laka sujudi wa Taa-ati.We authenticate the above message of Aga Khani Religious Worship previously dictated by Mr. Ashiq Ali H. Hussain The Ex-President of H.H. The Aga Khan Federal Council for Pakistan. Should anyone desire to seek any clarification or elaborations in this behalf the entire authority vests in H.H. Aga Khan himself and H.H. The Aga Khan Federal Council for Pakistan only who may be contacted in this behalf on the following addresses: 

NO. Anybody who ever preaches in violation of what is commanded in the Quran is a DAJJAL. There are many Dajjals who will come b4 the great Dajjal. There is no fitna greater than that of the Dajjal. Please be aware of this

Short Questions And Answers !

1.Do Ismaili Offer all five namaz?
They dont offer 5 time namaaz like we do, they have "duas" or "tasbees" instead and the offer it 3 time a day.
2.Do they face Qibla while offering it (namaz/dua)?
 No They Not.
3.Do they fast during the month of Ramadan?
No They dont, they have same weird philosophy about not keeping fasts but they celebrate eid-ul-fitar :D
4.Do Ismaili give zakat to poors?
Yeah they do, the big Aga Khani Hospital in Karachi, its not free but the provide service for the less fortunet. 12.55 of their incomes to their living god aga khan :D 
5.Do Ismaili go for Hajj or Umrah to Makka?
No they do not go for Hajj or Umrah to Makka
6.Do Ismaili go for Ziarat to Madina?
No they not
7.Do Ismaili circumcise the males?
Yes, They Do
8.Do Ismaili follow "Halal" code while choosing, slaughtering and eating animal?
They have no limits on food , they eat Halal food and Haram too which is made halal by their Living God Aga Khan for them
9.Do Ismaili read Qur'an, also do they read its translation?
ya some of them read Quran but most of them are reading Al-Furqan 
10.Do Ismaili revere month of Muharram?
No, they dont, they will jst go to their jamaat kana
11.Do they do matam or other mourning ceremony in Muharram?
12.Do Ismaili have Azan (Call for prayer) custom?
13.Do Ismaili offer namaz in jamat?
14.Do Ismaili offer Jumma (Friday) namaz?
No , but they have some type of dua it friday night specially .

15.Do Ismaili celebrate Eid Fitr (Ramdan Eid)
Yes, they do... 
16.Any info on agha khani worship place ?  
They always have to bow in front of Agha khan picture as an act of honor ..... Males and females sit side byside in Worship place.  
17.What about their Rohni Paishwa? 
give more donation....Paishwa will Pray for a greater place in jannah and Low amount of money.....Lower place in jannah 
18.Do Ismaili make waadu before Dua?
NO - (not important, no concept of Ghusal or Wadu in Agakhanism)
19.Do Ismaili celebrate Eid Adha by slaugtering animals?
No, they don't  
20. Do Agakhani/Ismaili believe in the 3 questions of the grave?
NO, They believe their Imam will save them in the Grave and on the Judgement day.
21.Do Agakhani dress in Sunnah? 
Agakhani Men wear suit during du'a and women can wear what ever they want. Agakhani women don't have to wear Hajab.
22.Is it valid to marry an Ismaili?
There is scholarly consensus (ijma`) that Ismailis are not Muslims, because of their denial of numerous things that are established by decisive texts of the Qur'an and Sunna, and are known to be necessary parts of Islam. As such, it is not valid to marry an Ismaili man or woman.


  1. Awesome! :) Come over to for more on Ismailism and Agakhanism.

  2. I agree that Aga Khan is doing outstanding social work. (Support this statement even now) Also, the people are very nice ( my Mom is an Aga Khani)
    However, I completely disagree that the current practices followed by Aga Khanis are close to Islam. I am a reverted Muslim and my religion is Islam (no divides for me)
    Some of my pointers that I believe are highly questionable I have mentioned below: (these are all that came to my mind)
    1) Aga khanis pay 12.5 percent dason, why not 2.5 as in Islam. 2) Aga Kahani do not dress modestly in place of worship 3) They ask everything from “noor moulana shah karim” y not directly to Allah the Almighty deserving All Praise. 4) You are required money to enter Majlisis , Y?? Cant a poor person be equally as religious as a rich person. 5) I have been hearing since 5 years that Namaz will be introduced … change from Dua to Namaz … but think about this Holy prophet (PBUH) ) introduced Namaz 1200 years back .6) Also I am pretty sure if marrying a Christain is allowed in Islam marrying a super model is definitely not appropriate for a religious leader. 7) Y in chanta — ” noor maulana shah karim bakhshay” No person is immortal … even the Prophets who lived for thousands of years… then y not ask from Allah directly . 8) Nandi, gura , mehmani … donations are superb for a good cause … but not at the cost of these names. 9) Last point that I can think of … y so many modifications to Islam …. Does this religion require so much modification? Is not the best religion on the face of this Earth… do ask yourself these questions!!!
    Once again youngsters please research and use your intelligence. In sha Allah you all will get hidayat from Allah! Moreover, do remember nothing will happen if you revert to Islam do not be scared of anything except Allah. Just have strong faith ! My dad has reverted to Islam MashaAllah at the age of 61 and I hope my entire family follows and has a better live in this world and an even better one in the life after death.
