
Friday, December 27, 2013

“Now You See Me”: A Movie About the Illuminati Entertainment Industry?

“Now You See Me” is about big-time magicians doing incredible magic tricks … and some kind of a bank heist. But mostly, “Now You See Me” is about a shady organization named “The Eye” that controls these entertainers. While most viewers are dizzied with the senseless action of the movie, an important message is being communicated: The occult elite controls the entertainment business … Do you see it?
Main Poster of "Now You See Me" every character one eye is hidden ! why !!

Warning: Gigantic spoilers ahead!

Most critics had the same complaint about Now You See Me: The story makes absolutely no sense and is completely illogical. I wholeheartedly agree with them. Almost everything that happens during the entire movie is implausible. Even the mind-blowing overarching “master plan” of the movie actually depends on so many variables that could go wrong that it is, in fact, a horrible plan.

While most viewers will try to make sense of the action in Now You See Me, the movie simply keeps repeating to the viewers “The closer you look, the less you see”. It also constantly repeats that magicians always do something to distract the audience while the real magic happens elsewhere. Does this apply in the movie itself? Of course it does. The police chase, the bank heist plot, the explosions are there to keep the viewers’ eyes occupied while the real underlying story unfolds: It is about the entertainment industry, the forces that rule it and those that are used by it. It is also about the audience, the masses that are being fooled by master illusionists. The first lines of the movie say it all:
“Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it’ll be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You’re looking, but what you’re really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job? To take that most of gifts you give me, your attention, and use it against you.”
These lines, said while a magic card trick is being performed, sum up the true role of mass media and the entertainment industry. The rest of the movie aptly describes who rules the industry and even the methods it uses. The magicians are recruited by a secret society named “The Eye” (this might ring a bell for readers of this site) that uses the entertainers to further its agenda and make its symbolism a part of popular culture. Take a step back and realize this: The movie IS the magician. Let’s take a look at the themes of Now You See me.

At first, we see the four magicians doing their own little thing separately. They are all trying to make a living doing their magic tricks. They are however far from being big-time celebrities. They are watched and followed by a hooded figure who leaves an invitation in the form of a tarot card.

On the back of the invitation card is the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. In this particular shot, the card is held above a photo of one of the magicians and hides one of its eyes – hinting that he’s about to be part of the occult elite’s entertainment industry. The fact that one eye is replaced by the all-seeing eye also implies that he is about to lose a whole lot sight … and freedom.

The four magicians are selected because they excel in their particular field of magic and, mostly, because they sometimes appear to be using real, occult magic.

From left to right: Henley Reeves is an escapist (High Priestess tarot card); J. Daniel Atlas is an illusionist (Lovers card); Merritt McKinney is a mentalist (Hermit card); Jack Wilder is a sleight-of-hand illusionist (Death card).

Jack Wilder, the youngest of the crew received the Death card for a reason: It foreshadows his upcoming ritual sacrifice.
The magicians are invited to a strange apartment with strange contraptions in it. After figuring out the riddles that were placed there (an initiation process), they see the elite’s plans laid out for them. Then, just like magic, they become big-time entertainers.
Puppets of Their Rulers

After joining The Eye, the magicians are in Las Vegas, surrounding by a roaring crowd while we hear big boisterous music that basically screams “This is showbiz, baby!”. The four magicians, who were four solo, independent acts, have now joined into a group to become the Four Horsemen. This name is taken the Bible’s Book of Revelation, where the Four Horsemen are harbingers of the Apocalypse and the tribulations that come with it. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are often said to be associated with pestilence, war, famine and death. This is a rather grim name for a bunch of magicians, but it makes sense when we know that they are working for the occult elite. The Book of Revelation is of great importance in secret societies as it is believed to conceal an occult meaning to be only deciphered by the initiates. A lot of their symbolism derives from it and this is no exception.

Not unlike “real” performers in the entertainment industry, the Four Horsemen are only there to obey orders coming from The Eye. Everything about them relates to the secret society that controls them.

The stage on which the Horsemen perform is a giant eye. That’s a scale model of the stage.

The logo of the Four Horsemen is quite enigmatic.

In one scene however, we see a strange decoration that says “Eye”. It appears consist of a combination of two 3D versions of the Horsemen logo. In short, the logo is another hidden way of hiding Eye symbolism in plain sight.

When the group completes its most spectacular magic trick, the symbol of the Eye flashes on Times Square. While most people believe that The Eye is a myth, its symbolism is everywhere … just like in real life.

Everything about the Four Horsemen is therefore stamped with the seal of the Eye.

It is interesting to note that the people behind the movie did not create a fictional symbol to represent the secret society. They used the most important symbol of today’s occult elite – one the most important symbols of various powerful secret societies. As we often see on this site, this symbol is also already used all around mass media. Why is that? Is it because the movie plays the role of the Four Horsemen – a vehicle for the symbolism of the occult elite?

The Eye – Based on the Actual Secret Society that Runs Hollywood?
As the movie progresses, we discover some information The Eye and its history. Everything about it closely resembles an actual secret society that is powerful in Hollywood: the OTO, a self-described “magickal Order”.

In the movie, the Eye is:
“keepers of real magic and protectors of those who practice it. Candidates for initiation must follow a series of commands with blind obedience”.
It is clearly stated that the symbol of the Eye originates from the Ancient Egyptian symbol of the Eye of Horus.

A documentary on the Eye shows its occult origin.

This is a page of the notepad of the researcher investigating the Four Horsemen. They Eye of Horus is one of the most important symbols of the Freemasons, OTO and the Illuminati. The use of this symbol in this movie was not random.

The characteristics of the Eye closely resemble the OTO.

The OTO is based on Aleister Crowley’s Thelema – a philosophy that was “communicated” to him while inside an Egyptian pyramid. Like The Eye, the OTO primarily focuses on “real” magick and its near-scientific application. Crowley added the letter “k” at the end of magick to distinguish it from stage magic. Therefore, like The Eye, the OTO considers itself “keepers of real magic”.

The symbol of the Eye of Horus is of the extreme importance for the OTO because the OTO is all about bringing about the Aeon of Horus – an era ruled by the Thelema. Is it surprising to see that, in this Aeon of Horus, mass media is literally flooded with the symbol of the Eye of Horus?

In the movie, one of the book used to research The Eye is called “The Guardians of Horus”.

The layout of its cover closely resembles the cover of actual OTO books, complete with rectangular borders and a title in golden, embedded, capitalized letters.

Just like The Eye, the OTO exerts a great influence in Hollywood. One of its mission statements is to bring about Thelema and the Aeon of Horus to the masses. What better tool than mass media to do so?

Inside the Industry

As we witness the Four Horsemen rise to fame, we also see how the entertainment industry functions. For instance, there are a few allusions to the usage of mind control on various people.

This supposedly “randomly selected member of the audience” for a magic trick is actually a mind-control slave.
Thaddeus (the guy who attempts to debunk the Horsemen and the Eye) describes how this guy ended up on stage:
“He was selected. Programmed his mind to make it to Las Vegas. And then they kept reinforcing it until he did. They trailed him. They studied him. Nothing was left to chance. He had no idea he was their target. And they simply activated him in Las Vegas.”

This FBI agent (played by Common) starts playing an air violin after he hears the word “bullshit”. We later learn that he was programmed by the magicians and that the word “bullshit” triggers him into playing air violin. This is a way of letting us know that law enforcement can also be programmed by the elite.
Another key aspect of the Illuminati industry is the use of ritual sacrifices in order to bring about transformation. The illusionist Jack Wilder was given the tarot card of Death at the beginning of the movie because he was chosen for a ritual sacrifice.

Jack, one of the Four Horsemen, dies (kind of) in a car crash – an event that is broadcast on live TV. Which mean in real world the own entire media , they can broadcast whatever they want ! , so what you see on TV is not truth at all !.
The event causes shock and brings sympathy towards the elite-backed magicians. We later discover that the car crash was a set up and that Jack is still alive – but the public doesn’t know that. The event is an example of a ritual sacrifice played out on a mass scale by the occult elite. It was also a diversion.

The movie also shows what happens to those who fall out of the elite’s good graces. Thaddeus, an ex-magician, now makes a career out of creating DVDs “debunking” magicians. When he goes against the elite-backed Horsemen, things do not end well for him.
Thaddeus is framed by The Eye and thrown in jail.
When asking the police officer (who turns out to be part of The Eye) why this is happening to him, here’s the reply.
“The legend is that The Eye is everywhere. Waiting for the truly great magicians to distinguish themselves from the mediocre ones. Maybe that was you. Deep down inside you wanted nothing more than be part of The Eye, but you were never invited.”


As the movie progresses, it becomes obvious that the members of the Four Horsemen have no idea what’s really going on. Like real life artists in the industry, they are mere puppets trying to fulfill the tasks given to them. They however know one thing for sure: They desperately want to be part of The Eye.

Once they complete their entire mission, the Horsemen meet up in Central Park.

The magicians are greeted by Dylan Rhodes, the FBI agent that was trying to arrest them during the entire movie … *cough*… While this plot twist makes little to no sense, it does convey the meaning that The Eye own mass media AND law enforcement.

Rhodes tells the magicians “Welcome to The Eye” and brings them to a carousel that starts turning. The magicians mount on a little horsie and start spinning around. This leads us to think: Were the magician taken for a literal ride during the whole time? Does The Eye even exist?

Judging by the magnitude of the schemes the Horsemen were involved in, there is no doubt that a VERY powerful entity was behind them. However, like in real life, outsiders can never be part of the “inner-circle”. While the Horsemen did everything required from them, they will never be part of the elite. This fact is reinforced in a semi-hidden scene at the end of the movie.

A few minutes after the credits roll out, there’s a scene that I’m sure many people missed. It shows the ultimate fate of entertainers used by the occult elite.

The Horsemen are told to go to a place in the desert where old Las Vegas signs are thrown away. This neon sign graveyard pretty much represents their own career.
They then go get equipment for their new magic show.
The magicians realize that the boxes stamped with the sign of The Eye are locked. The Horsemen do not have access to Eye-related privileges anymore.

Thinking that maybe their magical tarot cards might be able to unlock their crates, the magicians look in their pockets. Their tarot cards are gone. The Eye does not need these performers anymore so their pass was revoked. They were used and now they were thrown away in the desert amongst discarded neon signs.

So to answer questions many ask me: Are artists like Jay-Z actually part of the Illuminati? There’s your answer.

The Big Picture

Throughout the movie, investigators ask themselves “Why do they go through all of this trouble”? Why do the magicians and, by extension The Eye construct these elaborate schemes? It makes no sense. And, to many viewers, the movie doesn’t make sense. Most of the action is based around moronic police officers running around, pointing their guns, trying to catch smug-faced magicians. However, behind the action scenes and the loud music, there’s a message there. The movie itself repeatedly tells the viewers: “The closer you look, the less you see”. The closer you try to understand and make sense of the action going on screen, the less you see the “big picture”.

Now You See Me is definitely not about a bank heist. It is about the “magic” of the entertainment industry. Crowley defined magick as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”. The goal of the entertainment industry is to cause change. But that change takes time … years, decades and generations. The movie describes the process in a very metaphorical matter.

The interpol agent researching The Eye describes the most famous trick of a magician named Lionel Shrike
“When he was 14, he saw a hole in a tree in Central Park. He had a guy, who worked at the carousel, sign a card for what looked like a routine little trick. At the guy’s retirement, 18 years later, Shrike performs, has the guy sign a card and presto! The card is in the tree. It was in the tree for 18 years.

The trick was not to look closely. It was to look so far that you see 20 years into the past.”
After the Horsemen completed all of their tasks, they were asked to meet at Shrike’s tree because it represent what the Eye is all about. Just like the card inside the tree trick, the elite’s transformative “magic” is about the long-term big picture.
At one point, Thaddeus says:
“This is a magic trick played out on the global scale. And you are the abracadabra, the distraction”.
While the viewers are hypnotized with explosions and car chases, they are missing the real magic: The elite transforming society to fit its needs through mass media.
Most of the “magic” we see during the movie is CGI. The entertainment industry is the real master of illusion.
The movie ends with a call from the Illuminati to the public, letting them know that they are the ones being duped by the real magicians.
“Come in close. Closer. Because now you know our secret. We could be anywhere. Watching you. We’re looking for someone to help us with our next trick. On the count of three, open your eyes and tell me what you see. One. Two …”

Fade to black…
In Conclusion

While there is absolutely nothing “realistic” about Now You See Me, it does aptly describe what actually happens in the entertainment industry. The magicians in the movie represent the various artists and performers that are recruited by the elite to advance its agenda. The Eye is based on actual secret societies that exert influence in Hollywood. While these facts might be crystal clear to some, most viewers probably miss these messages as they try to understand what the hell is going on.

In fact, during the entire time, the movie kind of laughs at the audience. At one point, a member of the Horsemen says: “The magician must be the most intelligent person in the room”. The movie is so Hollywood that it is almost a parody of it. It is almost telling the viewers: “Look at the moronic stuff you’re consuming to be entertained”. But, behind it all, there’s a powerful message coming straight from The Eye. Either you see it … or you don’t.

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